a close up of a tipped over orange container with white pills spilling onto a black surface

UQ research has found use of the opioid oxycodone in Australia almost halved after changes to packaging and prescribing practices in 2019.

12 September 2024
A female para athlete watches as her coach approaches with a prosthesis for her fencing competition.

Research has highlighted the need for visible and accessible pathways for people with disabilities to transition into coaching.

9 September 2024
a woman sits in a chair and draws a bow with her foot and mouth

Technology has enabled athletes with disabilities to reach incredible heights but it has also introduced new challenges, particularly in ensuring fairness and equity in competition.

2 September 2024
A composite image of two photos of men in suits, side by side.

UQ researchers have received two $3 million grants from the National Health and Medical Research Council to accelerate knowledge and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, and to improve gynaecological cancer treatment.

30 August 2024
A man standing in a sandstone building holding a clarinet

One of Australia’s leading musicians and educators will join UQ as the Kinnane Professor of Music early next year.

30 August 2024

Researchers from The University of Queensland have secured more than $7.2 million through the Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) program to strengthen national research and innovation capacity.

28 August 2024

Fifteen University of Queensland researchers have been awarded $15.3 million through the Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowships 2024 scheme to drive research and innovation.

28 August 2024

The University of Queensland has partnered with the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Hub to accelerate the development and commercialisation of industry-led research.

20 August 2024
A mobile phone on a flat surface with its screen lit up, and a hand hovering above it.

A UQ-led study has found consumer vulnerability to cryptocurrency investment scams has little to do with socioeconomic status.

22 July 2024
A young woman in graduation garb smiles next to an older woman in UQ's Great Court.

Caitlyn Donohoe lives with a serious physical disability, but that didn't stop her from moving from rural QLD to study at UQ - and graduate as Valedictorian of the School of Law.

12 July 2024
A new coloured ESA/Hubble image of Omega Centauri showing location of black hole. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, M. Häberle (MPIA)

A massive black hole – about 20,000 times the size of the sun – has been confirmed as the closest to our solar system by an international study involving UQ researchers.

11 July 2024
An AI generated image of a graduation cap against a spacey background overlaid with computer 3D points.

UQ researchers are playing a key role in the education sector’s response to the new learning environment of ChatGPT and other generative AI language programs.

11 July 2024
Two people stand next to a person walking on a treadmill

A longitudinal study by UQ researchers has found high-intensity interval exercise improves brain function in older adults for up to 5 years.

10 July 2024

Ten University of Queensland research teams will share more than $6.5 million from the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Projects scheme.

4 July 2024
a person peers through a round device at the back of the shoulder of another person with grey hair

A UQ-led project will test a combination of technologies to improve the early detection of potentially fatal skin cancers in patients in regional and rural Australia.

24 June 2024

UQ top of Nature rankings The University of Queensland is the highest-ranked Australian university in the prestigious 2024 Nature Index of Research Leaders.

21 June 2024

The Queensland Aphasia Research Centre at The University of Queensland has been awarded almost $5 million from the Medical Research Future Fund to improve treatment for the growing number of Australians living with post-stroke aphasia.

31 May 2024
Cash in wallet

UQ has experts available for comment across a range of topics including housing, education, HECS indexation, tax, cost of living, energy transition, superannuation and entrenched disadvantage.

9 May 2024
A cyclist rides across a busy road in the Brisbane suburb of West End, with a car passing in the other lane.

Turning kerbside carparks into cycling lanes could improve city accessibility and liveability without affecting business revenue, University of Queensland research has found.

7 May 2024
Man clutching heart

Forty-five per cent of patients admitted to hospital for atrial fibrillation (AF) in Australia and New Zealand die within a decade, according to University of Queensland research.

30 April 2024