UQ’s distance education students can have an authentic research experience without leaving their homes, thanks to entomology lecturer Associate Professor David Merritt.

9 November 2012
Tarni Cooper

University of Queensland veterinary science student Tarni Cooper has discovered a way to mix philanthropy with seeing the world: improving production of pigs in Vietnam.

17 March 2009

Astrophysicists have long debated the existence of "dark galaxies" – giant clouds of hydrogen and dark matter, which are the building blocks of stars – that fail to form stars.

19 September 2005

School kids put their Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the test in the largest robotics competition for primary and high school students held in Queensland.

6 September 2004

Local Brisbane schools are hoping to emulate their 2003 success in the largest robotics competition for primary and high school students held in Queensland.

1 September 2004

Tenders close on March 10 for the second stage development of the University of Queensland's 25-hectare Ipswich campus, following the opening of the $17 million first stage next week.

10 February 1999

Planning is advanced for the second stage of development of the University of Queensland's Ipswich campus, to follow the opening of the $17 million first stage for students in February 1999.

16 November 1998

Explorer Ludwig Leichhardt called it 'exceedingly remarkable and bizarre'. University of Queensland researchers call it 'spectacular but threatened'.

24 September 1997