Close up of mine worker in high vis writing on a piece of paper

UQ research is at the forefront of finding ways to improve the return to work for people diagnosed with dust lung disease.

7 June 2024
A Silhouette of people in a nightclub surrounded by pink and purple flashing lights

More than a dozen new psychoactive drugs have been detected in 16 countries by an international wastewater surveillance program.

27 April 2023
QARC researcher Jessica Campbell showing a person with aphasia an app on a phone.

A new University of Queensland research centre dedicated to helping people with aphasia will transform the recovery journey for thousands of Australians and their families.

21 April 2022
Professor Kevin Thomas showing Minderoo Foundation Chairman and Co-Founder Dr Andrew Forrest,  Minderoo Foundation Co-Chair and Co-Founder Nicola Forrest and UQ Vice Chancellor, Professor Debbie Terry inside the plastics contamination-controlled lab.

In one of the world’s first plastics contamination-controlled laboratories, University of Queensland researchers have begun testing blood and tissue samples to develop ways to detect and measure nanoplastics in the human body.

11 March 2022
A woman in a hospital bed with a man sitting bedside and a doctor sitting on the bed.

Conversations with stroke survivors and their loved ones about possible lasting impairment can be traumatic, but there’s also potential for them to be therapeutic, according to research from The University of Queensland.

1 February 2022
Dr Chun Xu in the laboratory with his hands on a piece of equipment

In an Australian first, researchers from The University of Queensland have used nanotechnology to develop effective ways to manage tooth sensitivity.

23 November 2021
Aerial shot of wastewater treatment plant

Queensland still has high rates of MDMA, cocaine and methyl amphetamine consumption, according to a report released by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC).

28 October 2021
A330 sampling: Qantas developed a sampling trap for collecting wastewater samples from planes to avoid cross contamination from flight to flight. Image: Qantas

Researchers from The University of Queensland and Australia’s national science agency CSIRO have found SARS-CoV-2 virus in wastewater samples from long haul flights of returning Aussies, proving they can detect it before passengers show symptoms.

18 October 2021
Man using phone app

A smartphone app to track and improve communication recovery for stroke survivors with aphasia is under development by University of Queensland researchers.

5 October 2021
Plastic infusion sets clumped together with a blue backdrop

Researchers hope to save significant time, money and resources in Australian hospital wards, with findings from a new University of Queensland-led study.

7 May 2021

University of Queensland students are the first cohort to experience interprofessional practice education and training in Metro North Hospital and Health Service’s new Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS).

30 March 2021
A young boy receives preventative oral dental treatments

A combination of preventive treatments reduced tooth decay and improved the quality of life for more than 200 Indigenous Australian children living in remote north Queensland, a study has found.

12 March 2021
Tom Aechtner

A leading University of Queensland academic is using his research to improve vaccination rates across the country.

17 December 2020
UQ Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology student practitioner Kristin Murray works with Emeritus Professor Tian Po Oei and his wife Elizabeth at UQ Healthy Living.

The University of Queensland has become the first in the Southern Hemisphere to join the Age-Friendly University Global Network.

16 November 2020
Stock image: two wines glasses with white wine on a table

University of Queensland researchers reveal how alcohol advertisers are using social media to prey on parents and encourage drinking as a way to cope with stress during the COVID-19 pandemic.

31 August 2020
Saliva could allow cheaper, easier testing -- and at home.

Saliva could be humanity’s best friend in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, University of Queensland researchers have found.

20 May 2020
Woman stressed: COVID-19 is affecting us all differently

An international consortium of researchers is exploring COVID-19’s psychological effects in 18 countries, and how compassion can help reduce pandemic-related stress.

18 May 2020

Daily users account for more than 80 per cent of all cannabis consumed in Australia, according to new research from The University of Queensland.

16 January 2020

The consumption of caffeine, citrus, vitamin B and dietary fibre is higher in communities with higher socioeconomic status, according to new research from The University of Queensland.

14 October 2019
A vial of medicinal cannabis

Cannabis-based medicines should only be used under medical supervision until clinical studies have assessed their safety and efficacy, a University of Queensland drug expert has cautioned.

3 September 2018