From lifting a mower to trim the hedges to lopping trees with a circular saw, it seems there are endless ways for DIY enthusiasts to end up in hospital emergency departments.

19 December 2016

The University of Queensland’s Professor John McGrath has won a prestigious international fellowship in the Niels Bohr Professorship Program in Denmark to continue his ground-breaking research into schizophrenia.

7 November 2016
Camouflaged cuttlefish

Researchers at The University of Queensland have established that colourful coastal cephalopods are actually colourblind – but can still manage to blend beautifully with their surroundings.

14 September 2016

Queensland researchers have identified a domino effect from a brain stimulation technique used to treat psychiatric disorders such as clinical depression.

7 September 2016
Professor Naomi Wray

Researchers at The University of Queensland have contributed to the discovery of three new genes which increase the risk of motor neurone disease (MND), opening the door for targeted treatments.

26 July 2016
First edition of QBI's Brain Series magazine

Scientists at The University of Queensland have teamed up with the peak body for Australian athletes, the Australian Athletes’ Alliance, to tackle concussion and its long-term effects.

21 June 2016

Researchers at The University of Queensland and the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute have identified a protein which plays a key role in brain cancer, opening the door to potential new treatments.

20 April 2016
Associate Professor Kirsten Nielsen.

Cryptococcus is so forsaken by research that it doesn’t even make the neglected diseases list – but the deadly fungal pathogen has lured an American scientist all the way to The University of Queensland.

14 April 2016