Researchers from The University of Queensland have received more than $110,000 to help safeguard some of Queensland’s most vulnerable species under the Queensland Government’s Threatened Species Program.

20 March 2024
'Nemo" orange fish looking at a UV screen of coloured dots

University of Queensland scientists have developed an ultraviolet ‘television’ display designed to help researchers better understand how animals see the world.

22 February 2021

Australian researchers have achieved the first step in developing an early warning surveillance system to track COVID-19 prevalence in the community through tracing the presence of the novel coronavirus gene in raw sewage.

16 April 2020

Developing honeybee-friendly bio-insecticides from spider venom, responding to climate change using methane-utilising microorganisms, and measuring how animals with colour vision systems more complex than humans perceive colour are some of the...

17 October 2019

University of Queensland experts are available to comment on the final report of the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry. Journalists can contact the experts below or search by topic or...

4 February 2019
Konstantinos Vavitsas is exploring the potential of cyanobacteria

Advancing research in fields as diverse as manufacturing, human health, agriculture and the protection of ecosystems will be the aim of a $13 million investment by CSIRO in which UQ features heavily.

17 August 2017

Research undertaken hand-in-hand with business and industry received a $4.3 million boost at The University of Queensland today, in the latest Australian Research Council Linkage Projects grants.

31 May 2017

A range of University of Queensland experts is available to comment on issues around the Federal Budget. Journalists can search by topic or name at UQ Experts or contact the following experts.

10 May 2017
Many myths about Down syndrome have been debunked

The four decades of scientific contribution of a University of Queensland program towards Down syndrome have been internationally recognised.

22 March 2017

Visitors and residents along Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef can play a starring role as citizen scientists to build a brighter future for ‘Nemo’ clownfish and their anemone homes.

12 August 2016
Associate Professor Christa van Kraayenoord

Reading comprehension levels of children in the Bowen Basin have improved thanks to a University of Queensland-led project.

22 April 2016
Karen Moritz.

Babies conceived by women who drink alcohol around the time of conception face dramatically increased risks of type 2 diabetes and obesity in early middle age, a University of Queensland study has found.

30 July 2015

Research linking The University of Queensland (UQ) and industry partners was recognised at an awards ceremony yesterday.

17 September 2014

Graduation is a milestone achievement for any student, but University of Queensland PhD graduate candidate Michelle Morgan has done it while fighting for her life.

12 December 2013

The world’s seagrass meadows are in trouble – but Australian scientists say early action can save them, even as sea levels rise.

25 September 2013
Red knots are one of the species already under pressure. Photo: ROB CLEMENS

Millions of shorebirds and some species could be lost as sea levels rise in coming decades, say UQ scientists who are working as part of an international environmental team.

6 May 2013

Researchers based at The University of Queensland believe they have developed a way for governments to balance the needs of society and industry with those of endangered wildlife and environments.

26 March 2013

As sea levels climb, Australia’s coastal wetlands will be increasingly trapped between urban development on land and the rising ocean, imperilling the survival of their unique plants, birds and fish, leading ecologists warned today.

14 January 2013

The responsibility for choosing which Australian native species survive – and which go extinct – may ultimately fall to ordinary Australians.

28 May 2012

Australia may need to consider selling off some of its National Parks if it is to be able to afford to conserve its most important landscapes and species for future generations.

7 May 2012