An image showing the head and some of the body of a large snake on green grass at night.

A team of scientists on location with a film crew in the remote Amazon has uncovered a previously undocumented species of giant anaconda.

20 February 2024
Men looking at flood water across road. Adobe

Lismore and Brisbane’s catastrophic flood emergency has come only a short time after the last flooding disaster.

1 March 2022
Southbank's Rain Bank in Brisbane

Researchers from The University of Queensland have helped to develop a four-point plan to create more sustainable, liveable, prosperous and resilient cities.

27 March 2019
An artist's impression of the Warwick Solar Farm

The University of Queensland has officially taken ownership of the Warwick Solar Farm project, sealing a 25-year commitment to the Southern Downs.

30 November 2018
Artist's impression of the Warwick Solar Farm

The University of Queensland is set to become the first major university in the world to offset 100 per cent of its electricity usage through its own renewable energy asset.

7 June 2018
Debris from the gut of a short-tailed shearwater

A University of Queensland study has found widespread ingestion of debris by Australian marine and coastal birds – including among vulnerable and threatened species.

31 August 2016
Increases in seaweed threaten corals

Regulating overfishing could protect Pacific coral reefs from strangulation by seaweed, according to new findings by a University of Queensland scientist.

23 June 2016
Coral in Malaysia

A six-year collaboration between the Malaysian Government and University of Queensland researchers has resulted in the creation of the Malaysia’s biggest marine protected area.

21 June 2016

We all know the heart-warming tale of Finding Nemo, but clown fish populations on coral reefs have been declining since the film’s release, due to the popularity of a ‘Nemo’ in household aquariums.

12 May 2016
Collecting a sample from a whale's "blow".

Australia’s humpback whale population is increasing by more than 10 per cent a year, and University of Queensland researchers are going to extreme lengths to find out why.

22 February 2016

New Queensland research is indicating that green turtles living near urban and farming areas are absorbing possibly thousands of chemicals.

25 September 2015
The traditional herder lifestyle of Mongolia faces many challenges from the boom in mining

Mining provides income and infrastructure to Mongolia, but it also brings drastic social and environmental changes, new research shows.

25 May 2015
UQ's three award winners, from left, Hosam Zowawi, Claudia Vickers and Andrew Stephenson, with the Minister for Science, Ian Walker (second from left)

Three University of Queensland scientists were honoured at an awards ceremony in Brisbane tonight.

25 November 2014
An artist's impression of the solar research facility at UQ Gatton on completion. Image: Wilson Architects

The University of Queensland and First Solar have begun construction on a 3.275 megawatt solar photovoltaic research facility at UQ’s Gatton campus.

6 August 2014
Lemur picture

Future national park expansion should focus on land that is home to threatened species, rather than on land that is cheap to protect, researchers say.

25 June 2014

Professor John Foster, Director of The University of Queensland’s Energy Economics and Management Group, is available to comment on electricity changes.

3 June 2014

Hungry horses could be more susceptible to contracting Hendra virus, according to the findings of a preliminary study into the effect of pasture availability on infection rates.

14 June 2012

A UQ study finds that Caribbean seaweeds are Olympic athletes compared to their equivalents in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. But this triumph is bad news for Caribbean coral reefs.

8 June 2012

The University of Queensland’s (UQ) main research commercialisation company, UniQuest Pty Limited, will promote more than 20 "cleantech" innovations at two major international water industry events over the coming weeks.

28 May 2012

Dr Chris Roelfsema, from the School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management at UQ, is concerned about the impact the 2011 floods may have on seagrass in Moreton Bay.

28 September 2011