Back (from left):  Professor Paul Mills; Monica Taylor, Jennifer Gibbons.  Front: Associate Professor Peter Billings, Dr Francesca Bartlett, Belinda Bern, Kate Swanson, Professor Heather Douglas, Associate Professor Tamara Walsh.

The University of Queensland has maintained its position in the Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT), with the 2016 presentation in Canberra this month confirming that UQ has garnered more national teaching awards than any other...

14 December 2016
The 2015 Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning winners at Customs House.

University teachers have been recognised at The University of Queensland’s 2015 Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning ceremony held last night (2 November).

3 November 2015

Visits from a best-selling author, a Nobel prize-winning science writer and more have been made possible by The University of Queensland at this year’s Brisbane Writers Festival.

29 August 2012

At a time when the work of teachers is more important than ever in nurturing the leaders of tomorrow, The University of Queensland has recognised some of its most innovative, dedicated and exceptional mentors at a teaching awards ceremony.

1 November 2005

The University of Queensland recognised some of its best teachers last night at the 2004 awards for Excellence in Teaching, Research Higher Degree Supervision and Enhancement of Student Learning.

16 November 2004