a koala sleeps in the fork of a tree surrounded by bright green leaves

Financial payments made by land developers to offset their impacts on threatened species may fall short, according to University of Queensland-led research.

12 July 2023
Land being cleared for a coal seam gas line. Flickr

Laws intended to protect Queensland’s most-threatened forests are failing, with the most vulnerable forests falling even faster than other forests.

29 January 2018
Picture here of koala crossing a road

The smart design of roadway and tree cover patterns in new urban areas is critical to maintain koala genetic diversity and improve survival prospects for the species, a study has found.

18 March 2014
The magnitude of habitat loss/fragmentation effects were greatest in regions 
with high maximum temperatures

In a world first, University of Queensland and CSIRO scientists have measured the relationship between current climate, climate change and habitat loss on plants and animals on a global scale.

5 January 2012