Woman standing with head in hands in middle of busy city. Adobe

A piece of “junk DNA” could be the key to extinguishing fear-related memories for people struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and phobia, according to a study from The University of Queensland.

23 March 2022

University of Queensland researchers have used super-resolution microscopy to observe key molecules at work inside living brain cells, further unravelling the puzzle of memory formation and the elusive causes of dementia.

2 August 2019
UQ's Professor Jurgen Gotz, chairman of the Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research

Safety testing of a pioneering ultrasound technique that could delay the effects of dementia will begin in Brisbane late next year, led by University of Queensland researchers.

18 December 2018

Treatment with scanning ultrasound has already been proven to reverse Alzheimer’s disease in mice, and now it appears it could also slow down ageing in healthy brains, according to University of Queensland research.

12 October 2016
Neurodegeneration in action. The mutated Munc18-1 proteins (green in this image) trigger the clumping of α-Synuclein (large red blobs).

University of Queensland researchers have identified the specific cause of a rare form of epilepsy in babies.

6 September 2016

Research from The University of Queensland could lead to a new treatment for Parkinson’s disease, with future potential applications to nearly 50 other disorders.

27 August 2016

New insights into how nerves cells in the brain maintain efficient communication with each other may help offset the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.

6 February 2015