Leading scientists and marine managers have called for a greater national effort to protect vital 1000-kilometre stretches in the middle of Australia’s eastern and western coastlines.

22 November 2010

An international team of scientists has been exploring Moreton Bay, close to Brisbane, as a possible ‘lifeboat’ to save corals from the Great Barrier Reef at risk of extermination under climate change.

26 July 2010

Corals right out on the exposed edges of the world’s great coral reef zones may hold an important clue to the survival of coral ecosystems facing intensifying pressure from human activities and climate change.

17 June 2010

The skeptics who frequently deny the reality of climate change in the world’s media lack all scientific credibility, charge three eminent Australian researchers who have just been listed among the world’s 20 most influential scientists in the field...

9 April 2010

Fossil corals, up to half a million years old, are providing fresh hope that coral reefs may be able to withstand the huge stresses imposed on them by today’s human activity.

26 February 2010