Variants of viruses such as that causing COVID-19 can now be quickly studied in the laboratory, even before they emerge in nature and become a major public health challenge.

9 June 2021

The University of Queensland’s COVID-19 vaccine has passed another important milestone, showing the ability to raise high levels of antibodies that can neutralise the virus in early pre-clinical testing.

29 April 2020

Scientists recently confirmed the Great Barrier Reef suffered another serious bleaching event last summer - the third in five years. Dramatic intervention to save the natural wonder is clearly needed.

24 April 2020

As thousands of wildfires and deforestation escalate in the Amazon rainforest, a team of international scientists has called for governments to enact six key goals to protect the vital wilderness.

20 November 2019

A sample of estuarine mud taken 16 years ago has yielded a potential new class of painkiller as potent as opioids, but without their disadvantages.

16 October 2019

New research has revealed that human threats – like hunting and land clearing – are severely limiting the areas in which species can survive.

13 March 2019

A koala virus could help researchers explain millions of years of accumulated ‘junk’ DNA in the human genome.

8 August 2018
The Nanopatch targets cells in the skin’s outer layers

Efforts to rid the world of polio have taken another significant step, thanks to research led by University of Queensland bioscience experts and funding from the World Health Organisation (WHO).

5 October 2017
Pteropus poliocephalus colony: image Justin Welbergen

Minimising the impact of viruses upon the pig industry is a major objective of a $3.83 million grant to international scientific collaborators, including a team from Queensland.

30 August 2017

A range of University of Queensland experts is available to comment on issues around the Federal Budget. Journalists can search by topic or name at UQ Experts or contact the following experts.

10 May 2017
Agenesis of the corpus callosum is a partial or complete absence of nerve fibres connecting the sides of the brain.

A condition forcing people to involuntarily mirror movements in opposing limbs has been linked to a common developmental brain disorder. Scientists from The University of Queensland collaborated with international researchers to...

2 March 2017
The QCE Award winners

The University of Queensland is the university of choice for more than half of Queensland’s top performing secondary school students.

21 February 2017
Back (from left):  Professor Paul Mills; Monica Taylor, Jennifer Gibbons.  Front: Associate Professor Peter Billings, Dr Francesca Bartlett, Belinda Bern, Kate Swanson, Professor Heather Douglas, Associate Professor Tamara Walsh.

The University of Queensland has maintained its position in the Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT), with the 2016 presentation in Canberra this month confirming that UQ has garnered more national teaching awards than any other...

14 December 2016
From left, Professor Susanne Schmidt, Professor Heather Douglas and Associate Professor Kerrie Wilson

Three University of Queensland professors have been appointed to the Australian Research Council College of Experts for 2017.

25 November 2016

Scientists at the The University of Queensland and the University of California San Francisco have found a new way to inhibit the growth of the bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB).

5 April 2016

University of Queensland researchers have shown, like humans, fruit flies may be self-aware of their actions.

24 July 2015

University of Queensland pain treatment researchers have discovered thousands of new peptide toxins hidden deep within the venom of just one type of Queensland cone snail.

7 July 2015
The 3.275 megawatt array is built on a 10ha former airstrip

Sunshine is being turned into energy and knowledge at The University of Queensland’s Gatton campus, where the state’s largest solar array was switched on today.

27 March 2015
Queensland Minister Ian Walker, left, Dr Goce Dimeski and Dr Paul Masci.

The University of Queensland has welcomed the Queensland Government’s $1 million commitment to translating medical research into better health care.

17 April 2014

A collaborative research project aimed at discovering a drug to treat a highly resistant form of breast cancer is one of two projects given the green light by the Queensland Emory Development (QED) Alliance.

7 November 2013