Dipstick lying next to test tube, with cellular pictures in green and red behind it

Technology that helps to quickly extract and analyse genetic material could be used for cheap, accurate and mobile COVID-19 testing, including at airports and remote testing centres.

6 October 2020
Premature flowering can lead to a highly erratic pineapple supply. Getty Image.

New pineapple varieties which grow more reliably and predictably are being developed in a University of Queensland-led project that will benefit farmers and industry.

9 March 2020
Holding the dipstick technology (from left) Dr Michael Mason, Professor Jimmy Botella and Yiping Zhou

New dipstick technology that enables pathogen detection and the rapid diagnosis of human, animal and plant disease in even the most remote locations has been developed by University of Queensland scientists.

22 November 2017
Thale cress, from the Brassica family, which includes cabbages.

Plants get stressed and send defensive signals in the same way humans do, researchers from The University of Queensland have found.

11 October 2016