Professor Jason Roberts

Researchers at a new national research centre based at The University of Queensland are working to redefine antibiotic use in a bid to overcome antibiotic resistance.

18 November 2015
UQ becomes home to a new Centre of Research Excellence focusing on the study of skin cancers, in collaboration with Cancer Council Queensland, QUT, QIMR and the University of Sydney.

The National Health and Medical Research Council has awarded a total of almost $54 million to 84 projects, fellowships and centres at The University of Queensland.

9 November 2015

Social activism around substance abuse should not overlook Australia’s most lethal drug – alcohol.

10 September 2015
Brad Jones Racing drivers Dale Wood, Jason Bright and Fabian Coulthard

The quest to find even the slightest advantage has led V8 Supercars team Brad Jones Racing to the University of Queensland.

30 July 2015

A University of Queensland clinical scientist has won a prestigious European award for potentially life-saving antibiotic drug therapy research.

9 June 2015
A UQ body image expert is warning the ‘Dad bod’ craze is probably a load of baloney.

It’s whipped social media into a lather, yet a University of Queensland body-image expert is warning the ‘Dad bod’ craze is probably a load of baloney.

14 May 2015