Three people standing in the middle of a city wearing headphones and looking up

A University of Queensland academic has created the first artwork in the world to combine augmented reality (AR) game music with places in the community.

25 June 2022
View of the ocean and sky, with the sun beaming in the centre of screen and emitting rays of golden light

A three-dimensional approach to marine conservation could help expand protected ocean areas by up to 30 per cent this decade, according to international researchers.

5 April 2022
An image of a dinosaur walking through a misty forest.

Fossil footprints found in an Ipswich coal mine have long been thought to be that of a large ‘raptor-like’ predatory dinosaur, but scientists have found they were instead left by a timid long-necked herbivore.

22 October 2021

A University of Queensland researcher will take to the high seas as part of an expedition aiming to help preserve the Great Barrier Reef.

20 November 2018
Far Eastern Curlew in flight. Photo: D.S. Hovorka.

How do you reconcile the recreational needs of a city of two million people with the protection of migratory birds recovering after journeys half way around the planet?

22 April 2016

The Australian Research Council has announced more than $8 million in funding for 22 University of Queensland-led research projects aimed at tackling health, energy, environment and infrastructure issues.

8 July 2015
How do you know if your fish supper is sustainable? Mw12310/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA

Australians love seafood. Whether it’s fish and chips by the seaside or prawns on the barbie at Christmas, it’s integral to many of our traditions and social gatherings. Yet very little of the seafood we consume is sustainable. For a country that...

30 October 2014

Researchers based at The University of Queensland believe they have developed a way for governments to balance the needs of society and industry with those of endangered wildlife and environments.

26 March 2013

UQ/CSIRO researcher Dr Eve McDonald-Madden is one of three winners of L'Oreal Australia for Women in Science Fellowships for 2011 announced this evening.

23 August 2011
Market Day last year

Student traffic is getting busier at The University of Queensland's campuses, as the 2009 academic year beckons.

2 February 2009

Five UQ students have been highly commended in the Smart Women Smart - State Awards for their research into biodiversity conservation and green algae.

3 September 2008

University of Queensland research has found fishermen’s expertise contributes to better designed marine reserves.

11 June 2008

A Swiss marine biologist and an Australian quantum physicist have found that a species of shrimp from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, can see a world invisible to all other animals.

14 May 2008

Ticks may no longer cause as many deaths of dogs following discoveries of new toxins and treatments by University of Queensland researchers. A specific toxin in tick venom that causes heart failure if not treated can be cured in most cases according...

15 June 2001

Two University of Queensland researchers are helping Japanese aquaculture farmers improve management and husbandry of a popular Japanese eating fish.

19 January 2001