A numbat standing on a dirt-covered ground.

Scientists hope a new web app that allows users to search for threatened species in their postcode will put conservation on the agenda this federal election.

3 May 2022
A picture of an ocean reef

Water quality in the Great Barrier Reef will be improved thanks to a multimillion-dollar collaboration between The University of Queensland and the Queensland Department of Environment and Science.

22 April 2022
The Allen Coral Atlas Monitoring System, New Caledonia on April 26, 2021

In a world first, a satellite-based global coral reef bleaching monitoring system will scan the Earth’s oceans for coral-killing bleaching events in real-time.

19 May 2021
An Australian sea lion raises its head to the sky

Populations of Australia’s threatened mammals have declined by 38 per cent on average in 20 years, yet research shows conservation efforts have led to significant recoveries.

23 April 2020

A University of Queensland-led study involving researchers from three continents has found habitat destruction still far outstrips habitat protection across many parts of the planet.

7 December 2016