Dr Deborah Walsh, Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence Di Farmer, Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences Executive Dean Professor Bruce Abernethy

A textbook designed to prepare students to work with victims and perpetrators of domestic violence has been published by a University of Queensland researcher.

18 April 2019
Violent partners exploit the relationship between owners and their companion animals

Women in domestic violence relationships delay leaving due to concern their abusive partner might hurt or neglect their animals left at home.

8 October 2017

If you are a perpetrator with a history of domestic violence, you cannot hide anymore. That’s the message from Dr Deborah Walsh from The University of Queensland’s School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work who is imploring other states to follow...

15 October 2015
Psychologist Dr Frank Ascione will speak at a free public seminar at UQ. Photo Credit: Wayne Armstrong, University of Denver.

Research indicating women stay in violent relationships for the good of their pets will be the focus of a free seminar in Brisbane on Monday 29 September.

25 September 2014

Teaching staff from The University of Queensland have released an innovative learning tool to help students gain a better understanding of the core methods of direct practice in social work and the human services.

12 April 2010