Dignitaries learn more about joint UQ-Boeing initiatives via a massive digital touch screen

Leading research and development organisation Boeing Research and Technology Australia (BR&T–Australia) has moved its Brisbane-based team into a new centre at The University of Queensland’s St Lucia campus.

26 June 2017
Professor David Abramson: "The award is really a tribute to ... the Genomics Virtual Lab team."

The director of The University of Queensland’s Research Computing Centre has been named the iTnews Education Chief Information Officer of the Year.

23 February 2016
Professor Maree Smith . . . has two game-changing pain therapies close to being available on the global market

A vaccine against cervical cancer, a global parenting program, new forms of pain relief, better yielding crops and improved medical imaging are some of many high-impact outcomes of University of Queensland research.

19 September 2013
UQ Vice-Chancellor Professor Deborah Terry.

Medical imaging technologies, diabetes II treatments, animal health vaccines and biomedical implants are among University of Queensland research activities to receive vital Queensland Government support, announced this week.

19 June 2012

Leading researchers in clean alternative fuel technologies, industry representatives and international experts will attend Queensland’s first future fuels conference in Brisbane in July.

3 June 2011

Fifty two leading researchers from The University of Queensland were honoured on Sunday as leaders in their diverse fields of discovery at the inaugural Q-Index Awards.

17 May 2011

Groundbreaking research into nanotechnology and advanced polymers will be accelerated with $3.6 million in infrastructure funding awarded to The University of Queensland (UQ) today.

1 December 2010

Young people are often nagged for spending too much time on computers and other gadgets, but this month their technological skills were challenged and rewarded at a Young ICT Explorers judging event.

16 August 2010

The University of Queensland’s decades-long links with an Indigenous group, the Mornington Island Dancers, were strengthened when the group re-visited St Lucia campus recently.

7 July 2010

Kathy Hirschfeld was emotionally moved when she walked into UQ’s Senate chamber for the first time this year as a newly appointed Senator.

29 June 2010

A University of Queensland (UQ) mechanical engineering lecturer is one of two Australian academics to join astronomers from NASA, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and other organisations who will get a front row seat and a rare...

11 June 2010

Developing a portable screening device for malaria and using mobile phones to diagnose pneumonia are two UQ research projects which today received support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

21 October 2009
2009 UQ Foundation Research Excellence Award winners

The University of Queensland has paid tribute to its emerging research leaders, awarding $685,000 at the annual UQ Foundation Research Excellence Awards tonight (Tuesday, September 22).

22 September 2009

UQ Architecture students have lent their skills to assist community rebuilding efforts in tsunami-ravaged areas of the Solomon Islands.

16 September 2009

UQ staff and students with entrepreneurial ideas or early stage research projects are encouraged to enter UniQuest’s annual Trailblazer competition, which offers $40,000 in cash prizes.

23 April 2009

UniQuest start-up company, Lightanate Pty Ltd, has secured a major, confidential seven-figure investment to commercialise titanium-based technologies.

31 March 2009