A five-year research program aimed at developing high yield sugarcane could help re-establish Australia’s ailing sugar industry on the world market.

23 November 2004

A new drug to combat obesity at a cellular level is in the sights of a University of Queensland scientist.

25 October 2004

University of Queensland researchers studying subjects as diverse as sunscreens for fish, young people and mobile phones, to how babies understand themselves to be human have been recognised in this year`s UQ Foundation Research Excellence Awards.

23 September 2004

Understanding how our kidneys absorb protein from urine should give medical researchers more ammunition to fight skyrocketing kidney disease in diabetics.

23 September 2004

A promising lead in developing anti-viral drugs with the potential to fight human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV) has been boosted by a University of Queensland Research Excellence Award.

23 September 2004

Neuroscience research should be informing drug addiction treatment and policy in Australia, according to Neuroscience of Psychoactive Substance Use and Dependence, a new report from the World Health Organization (WHO).

14 September 2004

Local Brisbane schools are hoping to emulate their 2003 success in the largest robotics competition for primary and high school students held in Queensland.

1 September 2004

The University of Queensland has topped the nation in the latest round of Australian Research Council’s (ARC) Linkage International Fellowships and Awards.

21 July 2004

Australian media entrepreneur Reg Grundy will receive an Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy at a University of Queensland Faculty of Arts graduation ceremony today (Tuesday, July 20, at 4pm).

20 July 2004

The University of Queensland has ranked second in the nation in the prestigious 2004 Australian Research Council Federation Fellowships announced today by Minister for Education, Science and Training Dr Brendan Nelson.

16 June 2004

The University of Queensland’s world-leading research into hypersonics will be given a boost with the announcement of $2.2 million in funding from the State Government.

9 June 2004

A world-class facility for research into livestock health and production will be built at The University of Queensland’s Gatton Campus following the announcement of $9.5 million in funding from the State Government.

8 June 2004

In a world first, scientists from The University of Queensland’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) have uncovered a new class of genetic elements with the potential to radically alter our notions of how the genome “comes to life” to form...

7 May 2004

A University of Queensland specific online employment service that allows students to search for jobs within their field of study will be launched on March 8.

4 March 2004

Brilliant green turf all-year round, needing less maintenance and mowing, could soon be available through technology developed at The University of Queensland.

19 January 2004