A man in a white business shirt

Professor Barry Dickson from UQ's Queensland Brain Institute has been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society, joining the ranks of eminent scientists from around the world.

17 May 2024
Green seedlings grow in soil in a black plastic tray, the photo is taken from above.

University of Queensland researchers have shown Australian tobacco plants could be used as ‘biofactories’ to manufacture medicines on a large scale.

1 June 2023
K'gari funnel web spider

Using deadly spider venom to treat heart attacks is one of many new discoveries currently being developed at a national research centre headquartered at The University of Queensland.

25 August 2022

Researchers have shown why a fragment of a protein from the venom gland of rattlesnakes could be the basis for an alternative to conventional antibiotics.

15 March 2018

In a world-first, researchers from The University of Queensland and University of Washington (UW) have produced tailor-made peptides – an advance expected to help improve drug design and environmentally-friendly pesticides.

14 October 2016
Professor Craik ... reducing risks of tumours reocurring

The National Health and Medical Research Council has named two University of Queensland studies among its 10 of the Best Research Projects 2015.

19 August 2016

A University of Queensland researcher has made a big step toward the holy grail of biomedical science — a new form of effective pain relief.

11 April 2016
UQ’s latest ARC Laureate Fellows TC Beirne School of Law’s Professor Brad Sherman, the School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences’s Professor Philip Hugenholtz and Institute for Molecular Bioscience’s Professor David Craik.

Better drugs for chronic pain, building food security, and research into evolutionary diversity have attracted more than $8 million in funding for The University of Queensland’s latest ARC Laureate Fellowships, announced today (23 June).

23 June 2015
Professor David Craik with his GSK Award.

Translating nature’s secrets into new drug solutions for pain and cancer has helped a Queensland scientist win an $80,000 research excellence award.

6 November 2014
Professor David Craik (left) shows Perpetual General Manager of Philanthropy Andrew Thomas through the lab at UQ’s IMB.

Research seeking better treatments for heart disease, cancer and chronic pain has led to a major award and a $50,000 grant for the University of Queensland’s Professor David Craik.

23 October 2014
UQ was awarded a total of 77 health and medical research grants today

Australia’s first Centre of Research Excellence in Chronic Kidney Disease will be established at The University of Queensland with a $2.5 million grant announced today.

17 October 2014
The University of Queensland has been awarded more than $26 million for health and medical research, to investigate cancer treatments, pain relief, dengue fever vaccinations and more.

The University of Queensland has been awarded more than $26 million for health and medical research, to investigate cancer treatments, pain relief, dengue fever vaccinations and more.

18 February 2014

Two of The University of Queensland's (UQ) leading researchers have teamed with the world’s largest biopharmaceutical company to develop new peptide-based medicines for the treatment of major diseases.

28 June 2011