The Clive and Vera Ramaciotti Facility for Producing Pharmaceuticals in Plants at UQ’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience has the potential to provide inexpensive medications to patients.

The future of medicine could be as simple as nibbling a sunflower seed or drinking a cup of tea, with the opening of a new facility at The University of Queensland.

18 October 2016

In a world-first, researchers from The University of Queensland and University of Washington (UW) have produced tailor-made peptides – an advance expected to help improve drug design and environmentally-friendly pesticides.

14 October 2016
Professor Craik ... reducing risks of tumours reocurring

The National Health and Medical Research Council has named two University of Queensland studies among its 10 of the Best Research Projects 2015.

19 August 2016

A University of Queensland researcher has made a big step toward the holy grail of biomedical science — a new form of effective pain relief.

11 April 2016