Young woman playing games on a personal computer. Image, Adobe.

University of Queensland research has found gaming for more than three hours a day can lead to health problems.

14 March 2024

Researchers from The University of Queensland have received more than $43 million from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to address health research challenges from Alzheimer’s disease to youth vaping.

18 December 2023
Young man sitting in front of computer screen at night. Image: Adobe

Cryptocurrency trading could be linked to problem gambling, anxiety and depression in young men, University of Queensland research has found.

8 November 2022
White tables spilled onto a table in front of a medicine container

People who are prescribed opioids for pain relief have a higher risk of developing mood disorders such as anxiety, University of Queensland researchers have found.

15 March 2022
A man in a blue shirt holding a plastic bag containing white crystals.

Methamphetamine use could be two to four times higher than estimated figures in national surveys, researchers at The University of Queensland have found.

20 December 2021