Associate Professor Julie Ballantyne, from the School of Music

Several University of Queensland teachers have been recognised in the 2015 Australian Awards for University Teaching.

23 September 2015

The University of Queensland warmly congratulates Dr Andrew Liveris, distinguished UQ alumnus and Chief Executive Officer of The Dow Chemical Company (Dow), on his elevation to the chair of the United States Business Council, one of the world’s most...

12 November 2012
Ann Peterson (centre) with Sandy Williams, David Neil, Dominic McGrath, Deidre Seeto and Lynda Petherick

More than 30,000 University of Queensland students have completed an online academic integrity program, which raises awareness of academic misconduct and explains how to correctly cite information.

31 October 2012
Top row (left to right): Dr Sebastian Kaempf, Mr Michael Jennings, Dr Ann Peterson. Bottom row (left to right): Dr Gwen Lawrie, Dr Carlie Driscoll, Associate Professor Shazia Sadiq and Dr Pamela Meredith

A group of outstanding teachers has been recognised at The University of Queensland’s 2012 UQ Excellence in Teaching and Learning Awards ceremony tonight.

29 October 2012

Today, MontroseAccess, in partnership with The University of Queensland (UQ), announced a major new initiative which is set to benefit children with disabilities worldwide.

29 November 2011

The Honourable Justice Susan Kiefel, Queensland’s first female Queen’s Counsel and Australia's third female High Court judge, did not take a conventional road to reaching the highest court in the land.

30 November 2009

The University of Queensland's increasing focus on quality teaching has been highlighted at its 20th annual teaching awards.

27 October 2008