A koala in a gum tree.

A koala, specially bred as part of a University of Queensland-led conservation project, could turn around the fate of endangered koala colonies along Australia’s east coast.

29 March 2022
An image of a dinosaur walking through a misty forest.

Fossil footprints found in an Ipswich coal mine have long been thought to be that of a large ‘raptor-like’ predatory dinosaur, but scientists have found they were instead left by a timid long-necked herbivore.

22 October 2021
A gloved hand holds a petri dish with the CBD molecular structure drawn on the lid.

Synthetic cannabidiol, better known as CBD, has been shown for the first time to kill the bacteria responsible for gonorrhoea, meningitis and legionnaires disease.

20 January 2021
From left, Michael Lucas; UQ Global Engagement Deputy Director Dr Jessica Gallagher, Caitlin Gordon-King, Sophie Ryan, Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop, Kate Goodfruit, Rachel Dodds, Elsie Schuster and Alexander Williams

Seven University of Queensland undergraduates will study in destinations around the Indo Pacific region after being named as 2017 Fellows and scholars under the New Colombo Plan.

2 December 2016
The perfect foam on a head of beer is worth a lot to the beer consumer. IstockPhoto

A team of UQ scientists has been tasked with prescribing the unique molecular signature of Queensland’s famous XXXX beer. The scientists are, for the first time, revealing the full profile of all the molecular components that give beer its flavour...

17 December 2014

A collaborative research project aimed at discovering a drug to treat a highly resistant form of breast cancer is one of two projects given the green light by the Queensland Emory Development (QED) Alliance.

7 November 2013

A strategic alliance between The Centre for Advanced Imaging (CAI) at The University of Queensland (UQ) and Axiom Molecular Pty Ltd is set to boost radiopharmaceutical research, development and commercialisation.

29 April 2012

A TEAM led by UQ’s Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation has developed a comprehensive research program aimed at protecting Australia’s $450 million banana industry.

26 April 2012

The University of Queensland has awarded the contract to install its $7.75 million, 1.2megawatt photovoltaic solar array to Brisbane firm Ingenero Pty Ltd.

24 June 2010

Males were 70 percent more likely than females to be involved in serious car accidents, according to a University of Queensland study.

11 September 1998