The cave in the forest in Kenya with the excavation team working at the mouth

The remains of a child buried almost 80,000 years ago under an overhang at Panga ya Saidi cave in Kenya is providing important new details about the development of complex social behaviours.

6 May 2021
A group of about 16 men from PNG stand watching something over a fence, some with cameras

Until this week, it did not occur to most Australians to ask themselves how our nearest neighbours in Papua New Guinea were faring with coronavirus, according to UQ Adjunct Professor Ian Kemish.

18 March 2021

There was a bit of talk over the last election cycle, expressed in the usual language of political left and right, about returning the pendulum to the “sensible centre”. Sounds a good idea, but what does it mean to be politically central? And where...

17 November 2014