A promising treatment for inflammatory bowel disease and a pre-clinical drug candidate for a devastating neurological condition are among four UQ research projects to receive support from Australia’s national biotech incubator - CUREator.

24 May 2023

The University of Queensland will establish three Centres of Excellence to tackle major global challenges and opportunities.

4 November 2022
A group of soldiers with weapons silhouetted against a smoky red sky

Researchers at The University of Queensland have been awarded international funding to combat an expected escalation of skin cancer cases in US troops who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

12 September 2022
An Eastern Brown Snake

Some of the world’s deadliest snakes could soon be saving lives, with research from The University of Queensland showing venom could be used to stop uncontrolled bleeding.

20 June 2022
Burning fossil fuels

All eyes will be on Glasgow over the first two weeks of November as world leaders meet at the most important international climate summit in the past decade.

2 November 2021

A startup company developing technology based on University of Queensland research will partner with the US Government to test its needle-free vaccine delivery technology.

14 October 2020
Leeanne Enoch with ANFF-Q facility manager Anthony Christian (left) and AIBN Deputy Director and ANFF-Q Director Professor Justin Cooper-White (right)

A facility headquartered at The University of Queensland has received $4.59 million from the Queensland Government to continue its innovative research and industry projects such as needle-free vaccine delivery.

15 August 2019
Professor Mark Kendall ... "Sir Howard Florey was a hugely inspiring individual"

A University of Queensland researcher who invented the Nanopatch – a needle-free vaccine delivery device – has been awarded the 2016 CSL Young Florey Medal.

9 November 2016