A grey bottlenose dolphin reaching it's head above the surface of the water

University of Queensland researchers have found bottlenose dolphins in Moreton Bay off Brisbane could be teaching other dolphins to ‘beg’ for food from recreational fishers, with the behaviour creating short and long-term risks.

23 June 2023
Green seedlings grow in soil in a black plastic tray, the photo is taken from above.

University of Queensland researchers have shown Australian tobacco plants could be used as ‘biofactories’ to manufacture medicines on a large scale.

1 June 2023
a whale breaching out of the ocean about to land on its back with a hilly coastline in the distance

A University of Queensland study has found humpback whales sing louder when the wind is noisy, but don’t have the same reaction to boat engines.

11 May 2023
a closeup of a crab on a patterned white surface with pink dots in front of it

University of Queensland scientists have identified natural predators which could help fight outbreaks of the coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS) on the Great Barrier Reef.

5 April 2023
Humpback whales swimming and breaching in waters off Queensland's Sunshine Coast. Image, UQ

Male whales along Australia’s eastern seaboard are giving up singing to attract a mate, switching instead to fighting their male competition.

17 February 2023
A scuba diver examining brightly coloured coral on a reef

A University of Queensland study has found greater-than-expected coral cover in waters off Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.

7 February 2023
Tiger quoll on a tree branch

Federal environmental laws are failing to mitigate against Australia’s extinction crisis, according to University of Queensland research.

24 January 2023
A black swan with a red beak on water with a group of grey fluffy cygnets in front of her

The unique genetics of the Australian black swan leaves the species vulnerable to viral illnesses such as avian flu, University of Queensland research has revealed.

23 January 2023
A close up of gloved hands holding a magnet against a small vial of brown liquid with two faces in the background

Researchers at The University of Queensland have pioneered a simple, fast and effective technique to remove PFAS chemicals from water.

20 January 2023
Spray bottle on plants.

University of Queensland scientists have developed an environmentally friendly RNA-based spray to help combat myrtle rust, which has wiped out many Australian plants.

19 December 2022
Koala sitting in the fork of a gum tree. Image, Bev Millican

University of Queensland virologists are a step closer to understanding a mysterious AIDS-like virus that is impacting koala populations differently across state lines.

30 November 2022

When Associate Professor Rebecca Dunlop left Belfast, Northern Ireland, in 2003 for Brisbane, the move was meant to be temporary – and testing the hearing of humpback whales wasn’t part of the plan for the physiology graduate either.

26 November 2022
Aerial view of the rooves of houses in floodwater

Researchers at The University of Queensland have used satellites with radar imaging sensors to see through clouds and map flooding and say the technique could provide faster, more detailed information to keep communities safe.

23 November 2022
Hass avocado

What makes the perfect avocado? In a world-first, University of Queensland scientists have completed mapping the genome of the popular fruit, a resource that can drive future research and innovation opportunities for Australian avocado growers.

23 November 2022

A University of Queensland-led research group has created the world’s first successful donkey embryo using in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), which could save dozens of endangered donkey species.

16 November 2022
Microplastics floating in water

Microplastics are not just tiny particles that can be ingested, they can also carry viruses, a University of Queensland study has revealed.

2 November 2022
Rows of lettuces growing inside a glass house. Image, UQ

Feeding the world’s spiralling population amidst the ravages of climate change will be the focus of a major agriculture conference which gets underway in Brisbane today.

31 October 2022

Research co-led by UQ has found sharing real-time air quality readings in developing countries can reduce air pollution and lead to lower mortality rates.

25 October 2022

Some of Asia’s largest animals, including tigers and elephants, are defying 12,000 years of extinction trends by thriving alongside humans, a University of Queensland-led study has revealed.

22 October 2022
Adult incontinence pad

Joint research has found adult incontinence products are a far bigger waste problem than baby nappies, and with an ageing population, the situation will get worse in the next decade.

20 October 2022