A flock of sheep grazing in a paddock

A chemical-free method of controlling flystrike in sheep is a step closer, according to University of Queensland research.

15 July 2024
A woman administering a vaccine to a cow

A vaccine developed at The University of Queensland has proven highly effective in early trials to address one of the country’s top cattle pests.

19 June 2024

A native bushfood has proven to be a promising natural alternative to synthetic chemicals used to preserve meat, according to University of Queensland research.

24 April 2024
Large cattle grazing in a grassy field

University of Queensland researchers say mRNA vaccine technology could play an important role in boosting livestock production to meet global food demands.

22 March 2024
 A bottle of solution sprayed onto a bush of green leaves

Researchers from The University of Queensland have developed a treatment that can both prevent and cure infection caused by an invasive fungal disease devastating native Australian plants.

14 February 2024
A close up of brown wattleseeds in a lab

A bushfood staple could be the centre of a new Indigenous industry, according to a University of Queensland researcher.

8 February 2024
A tray filled with different coloured seeds and grains; a hand scooping a pile of round seed pods

A University of Queensland project is using technology to create a native food value chain to ensure Indigenous communities and businesses benefit from the thriving bushfood industry.

13 October 2023
male jojoba plant

The hot and dry desert environment has led to big genetic differences between male and female jojoba plants, a discovery which could boost jojoba production and shed light on how plants adapt to environmental stress.

15 October 2021
Mushrooms photographed in Tasmania.

Australia’s first legal, living collection of native magic mushrooms is being studied by scientists in a Brisbane laboratory to find out how they can be used for medical research into psychedelic treatments.

30 August 2021
Avocado on black background.

If you enjoy avocado on your toast in the morning, you will soon be thanking University of Queensland researchers for keeping up the supply of your favourite breakfast fare.

17 June 2021
Macadamias are Australia’s second-biggest nut export, predicted to be worth $350 million by 2025.

Macadamia researchers are breeding thinner shells for bigger kernels and tougher husks for resisting pests.

24 January 2021

The unique flavour, texture and aroma of Australia’s famous Wagyu beef can now be marketed using a world-first flavour profile developed by The University of Queensland in partnership with the Australian Agricultural Company (AACo).

9 August 2020

A group of scientists has called for nutrition to be declared a national science and research priority and for the establishment of a ‘trusted voice’ to provide credible evidence-based nutritional information.

7 August 2019
Two of the study plots

The myth that modern wheat varieties are more heavily reliant on pesticides and fertilisers than older varieties has been debunked by new research.

18 June 2019
Dr Louwrens Hoffman

University of Queensland researchers are investigating the use of maggots, locusts and other alternative proteins in a range of specialty foods.

1 May 2019
Professor Henry is conducting the first gene-editing experiments to effectively produce biofuels and bioplastics

Gene-editing sugarcane for use in renewable energy and bio-plastics could help secure the industry’s future.

11 March 2019
Couch smut (Ustilago cynoditis: Leif Forsberg, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

University of Queensland researchers are working on a new project to keep smut off our playing fields; but it’s not the kind of smut that first comes to mind.

24 January 2019
Professor Robert Henry ... Australian wild rice "tastes good and we believe it may have more beneficial health qualities than other rice species”.

Wild rice growing in northern Australia’s crocodile-infested waters could help boost global food security, say University of Queensland researchers who have mapped its genetic family tree.

23 January 2018
Consumers will soon be eating gene-edited foods that have added nutrients.

Consumers will soon be eating gene-edited foods that have added nutrients, potatoes that do not turn brown, and mushrooms with a longer shelf life, scientists at The University of Queensland predict.

9 November 2017
Australian wheat traditionally attracts a high price in the market

The discovery of genes that determine the yield of flour from wheat could increase milling yield, boosting food security and producing a healthier flour.

31 October 2017