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Public health campaigns that challenge weight stigma and promote body positivity can boost the health and well-being for people of all body sizes, according to a University of Queensland study.

30 March 2021
A young boy receives preventative oral dental treatments

A combination of preventive treatments reduced tooth decay and improved the quality of life for more than 200 Indigenous Australian children living in remote north Queensland, a study has found.

12 March 2021
Buds of cannabis with vaping utensil.

YouTube videos showing cannabis vaping as fun and joyful are widely available and easily accessible to young people, a study led by University of Queensland researchers has found.

10 February 2021
Pizza and soft drink.

Eating too much junk food has been linked with poor sleep quality in teens, a University of Queensland-led study has found.

22 December 2020
PhD student Jacinta Foster helps a study participant gather personalised information using the device. UQ image.

Researchers are investigating whether a device giving feedback on body position can improve balance and stability in older adults with hearing loss.

7 December 2020

Physical activity can reduce the severity of early menopausal symptoms in women who have had cancer treatment, a University of Queensland study has found.

26 November 2020
From left: SQRH Interprofessional Practice Co-ordinator Toni Murray, administration officer Jane White, Bidjara Elder Keelen Mailman and SQRH Director Associate Professor Geoff Argus  in the outdoor education area and yarning circle. SQRH image.

A new training centre nearly 700km west of Brisbane, designed to boost nursing, midwifery and allied health skills in some of Queensland’s most remote areas, officially opened in Charleville today.

19 November 2020
Businessman fixing his tie whilst looking at his reflection in a window

The more narcissistic the leader, the higher their interest in leadership theories, according to University of Queensland research.

30 October 2020
UQ’s Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences researcher Elissa O’Malley conducting wastewater analysis. Image: UQ

Queensland has the highest regional MDMA consumption in Australia and the second highest of cocaine and methyl amphetamine, according to a report released by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission today.

29 October 2020
Close-up of man's fingers tearing apart a cigarette.

A roadmap to eradicate cigarette smoking in Australia will be the focus of a new University of Queensland and National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)-funded $3 million Centre of Research Excellence.

9 October 2020
Man studying at desk with headphones on.

University of Queensland researchers are investigating whether white noise and dopamine can improve brain function and recall of new words in a study, open to right-handed Brisbane residents.

9 September 2020
Stock image: people holding glasses of alcohol to 'cheers'

An online system to monitor symptoms and cravings will help combat heavy drinking and alcohol use disorders, which affect about a third of Australian men and a quarter of women at some point in their life.

7 September 2020
Image of a woman with hands to her temples with a phone, clock, spilling coffee cup and papers surrounding his head

University of Queensland researchers hope to find out how people deal with stress at work and relax and unwind from the daily grind and whether these coping mechanisms actually improve wellbeing.

6 August 2020
Professor Catherine Lovelock studies 'blue carbon' in soils and coastal wetlands

Two University of Queensland environmental scientists have been named 2020 Australian Laureate Fellows.

9 July 2020
Young girl sitting with UQ PhD candidate manually rotating a turntable

The human tendency to make thinking a little easier by using external objects or actions – known as cognitive offloading – begins at an early age, according to research from The University of Queensland.

22 June 2020
Pensive young boy with his index finger over his mouth

Children as young as three can understand the difference between real figures and those that are make believe, according to University of Queensland research.

18 June 2020

Speech pathologists lack a consistent approach to communicating post-stroke recovery information to patients, a University of Queensland study has found.

1 May 2020

There is no playbook for parenting in a pandemic, but parents now have a podcast they can turn to for help.

24 April 2020

Researchers have shown healthy sleep for children is not just about getting 10 hours a night, revealing a link between late bedtimes and unhealthy weight gain.

8 April 2020
Istock image of crook of child's knee with eczema all over it

A program to help parents reduce the severity of their children’s eczema will be tested by the University of Queensland.

1 April 2020