A male scientist in lab coat and goggles inspects a glass full of red liquid.

A new $60-million Biosustainability Hub at UQ will use synthetic biology to help the world’s biggest businesses transition to net zero.

26 August 2024
The sun rising over a green field on a cloudy day

An ambitious alliance to achieve zero net emissions in Australian agriculture and boost the $70 billion sector has been funded by the Federal Government.

12 December 2023
Two people in red shirts and helmets stand in red mud, there are trees in the background

Nearly a third of the world’s mine tailings are stored within or near protected conservation areas, University of Queensland research has found.

28 November 2023

The University of Queensland’s vision for a sustainable future will be at the centre of an international conversation as Brisbane hosts the 2023 World Mining Congress this week.

27 June 2023
A long train travels on a track with fields and open country either side of it.

UQ researchers have worked with industry to map how Australia could move towards decarbonising its heavy haulage rail network.

2 May 2023

Research co-led by UQ has found sharing real-time air quality readings in developing countries can reduce air pollution and lead to lower mortality rates.

25 October 2022
A hand holding a Net Zero graphic

If Australia is to achieve a net zero future, we need “out-of-the-box” thinking and a major economic overhaul, according to study involving The University of Queensland.

26 August 2022
A group of people in white coats look at machinery inside a high-tech laboratory

A new University of Queensland-led training centre is set to become a hub for world-leading research in ‘green’ plastic.

18 August 2022
a greater glider with big ears peers from a hollow in a tree

Scientists have put a dollar figure on the cost of recovery and restoration of native flora and fauna after the 2019-2020 summer bushfires.

16 August 2022
Industrial plant on the water

University of Queensland, Oxford and Princeton researchers have developed a “test” to measure if businesses are on track to meet Paris Agreement climate action goals, and so far the results are not promising.

11 August 2022
A pick lying on black rock

Studying ancient ocean floors could help discover minerals needed to produce electric cars and solar panels.

3 June 2022
A man at a lecturn waving and a woman in a red dress watching on.

The ALP will rightly bask in this election victory. As the party’s Sydney MP Tanya Plibersek put it Saturday night: a win is a win is a win.

23 May 2022
A woman holding a metal rod, with a man in suit looking on.

A Brisbane startup company founded on University of Queensland technology to monitor the health of electricity network transformers has been acquired by French multinational Schneider Electric in a multi-million-dollar deal.

5 April 2022
Revegetation underway at a red mud site near Gladstone

Technology that could rehabilitate mine waste back to useful soil is entering full-scale trials at two Queensland sites.

16 September 2021

Growing demand for metals necessary for the transition to a low carbon future will lead to more mining in high-risk areas, according to University of Queensland research.

28 September 2020

Australia’s renewable energy research capacity has been boosted with the completion of The University of Queensland’s 64 megawatt solar farm at Warwick in the state’s south east.

17 July 2020
Faure Island in Shark Bay, Western Australia (Credit: Graham Fulton)

Artificial watering points in rangelands are posing an increasing threat to surrounding biodiversity long after the removal of livestock, according to University of Queensland research.

7 July 2020

A consortium led by The University of Queensland and The University of Western Australia has secured $30 million from the Federal Government to help regional communities transition to sustainable futures after their local mines close.

13 March 2020
A worker jumps for joy at the Warwick Solar Farm project,

The University of Queensland has won a coveted Australasian Green Gown Award for its commitment to sustainability through the Warwick Solar Farm project in the inaugural 2030 Climate Action category.

19 November 2019

A rare element discovered in Great Barrier Reef coral skeletons will help scientists understand the environmental history of nearby regions.

21 October 2019