Three people sitting at a table looking at book.

A children’s book which takes readers inside the life of termites, published with the help of a UQ linguist, has received a top literary award.

13 September 2024
A man standing in a sandstone building holding a clarinet

One of Australia’s leading musicians and educators will join UQ as the Kinnane Professor of Music early next year.

30 August 2024
An image showing a laptop screen over a person's shoulder, with an Indigenous Australian on the screen.

UQ is moving to protect Australia’s invaluable heritage of Indigenous languages with the development of a centralised digital archive.

8 August 2024
A street in daylight with people with pedestrians looking at their phones as they walk with a young woman in the foreground.

Young Australians are being exposed to an alcohol advertisement on social media every 2 minutes and 43 seconds on average, according to UQ research.

7 June 2024
Three carved statues in a glass case

Three sculptures carved by an Indigenous elder are on display together for the first time in 90 years at an exhibition at The University of Queensland Anthropology Museum.

27 May 2024
Picture of neighbours talking to each other over the fence.

University of Queensland research has found building a sense of community is key to improving people’s mental health, particularly in low socio-economic suburbs.

21 March 2024
Illustration of exhausted zombie characters working in office. Image, Adobe

Outdated perceptions of leadership persist across society despite being repeatedly debunked, University of Queensland research has found.

8 February 2024
A young woman in profile with long dark hair falling across her face, holding a vape and a mobile phone.

A UQ research project will investigate the online influences behind young people taking up vaping - and develop social media content to support them in quitting.

15 December 2023
A frustrated man looking out to the distance and screaming

Mindfulness doesn’t always prompt a ‘keep calm and carry on’ attitude – it can amplify outrage at injustice, according to research from The University of Queensland.

24 October 2023
An elderly man and woman looking over a sheet of paper

Women can competently take over financial decision-making when they perceive a decline in their husband’s cognitive ability but the same can’t be said for men, according to University of Queensland research.

10 August 2023
A woman sorting through piles of clothes at a charity shop

University of Queensland research has found a direct link between levels of government income support and people’s need for charitable assistance.

13 July 2023
A man looking aggressive and threatening stands before a woman at a medical reception desk.

University of Queensland research has found verbal and physical abuse of medical receptionists by patients is rife, and causing lasting harm.

7 July 2023

University of Queensland research has found people are more attracted to those who look like them.

6 July 2023
A woman with long dark hair and a woman with short red hair embrace while sitting on a white sofa.

Normal age-related changes in how we think, perceive and reason may increase the risk of older people viewing themselves through a negative and ageist lens, University of Queensland research suggests.

4 May 2023
a man with a beard and a woman with long dark hair look down at a baby wearing blue between them

A University of Queensland study has shown having a baby negatively affects a mother’s employment earnings for up to 10 years.

17 April 2023
Seven members of the Sleep for Strong Souls project team pose for photo. Image, UQ

The University of Queensland and Beyond Blue have partnered to deliver culturally responsive sleep health services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescents in Queensland.

16 March 2023
Three women in brightly coloured shirts smile and laugh. They have their arms around each other.

University of Queensland research has found women who have quality relationships in their 40s and 50s are less likely to develop multiple chronic conditions in older age.

22 February 2023
a child and a woman sit on a grey couch holding two animal puppets

University of Queensland researchers have found children will help people in distress unless there is a personal cost.

16 February 2023
A line of people in suits sitting in chairs holding pieces of paper

People from minority groups who speak with ‘non-standard’ accents face discrimination in job interviews, researchers from The University of Queensland have found.

24 November 2022
A foggy graveyard under a full moon. Jack-o-lanterns and leafless trees are scattered around the graveyard.

Most of us only celebrate Halloween each October, but three University of Queensland experts research the strange and spooky all year round, from the history of horror stories to scary costumes.

28 October 2022