A mobile phone on a flat surface with its screen lit up, and a hand hovering above it.

A UQ-led study has found consumer vulnerability to cryptocurrency investment scams has little to do with socioeconomic status.

22 July 2024
An orange xray-like image of an embryo on a black background

Researchers at UQ have for the first time captured images and video in real time of early embryonic development to understand more about congenital birth defects.

1 July 2024
Cash in wallet

UQ has experts available for comment across a range of topics including housing, education, HECS indexation, tax, cost of living, energy transition, superannuation and entrenched disadvantage.

9 May 2024
Illustration of exhausted zombie characters working in office. Image, Adobe

Outdated perceptions of leadership persist across society despite being repeatedly debunked, University of Queensland research has found.

8 February 2024

A new way to deliver brain cancer treatment and how socioeconomic status impacts on health care access are among projects to be investigated by this year’s University of Queensland Fulbright scholars.

6 February 2024
AQC researchers working on maths equations on glass wall with gold plated fridge in foreground. Image UQ

Researchers at Queensland’s first quantum technology startup, based at UQ, are developing microscopic superconducting hardware critical to scaling up future quantum computer technology.

30 October 2023
A frustrated man looking out to the distance and screaming

Mindfulness doesn’t always prompt a ‘keep calm and carry on’ attitude – it can amplify outrage at injustice, according to research from The University of Queensland.

24 October 2023
Man sitting at laptop with credit card in hand looking worried. Adobe.

Researchers from The University of Queensland have found people who believe in manifesting financial success are more likely to make risky investments and end up bankrupt.

20 September 2023
A woman sorting through piles of clothes at a charity shop

University of Queensland research has found a direct link between levels of government income support and people’s need for charitable assistance.

13 July 2023
a man with a beard and a woman with long dark hair look down at a baby wearing blue between them

A University of Queensland study has shown having a baby negatively affects a mother’s employment earnings for up to 10 years.

17 April 2023
A large reddish bull stands in a grass paddock with bushland in the background.

An experimental vaccine created at UQ could mitigate the impacts of a venereal disease that causes cattle infertility and costs the industry hundreds of millions of dollars.

23 February 2023
A close up of the face of a man wearing a surgical mask behind a chess board set with playing pieces

Wearing a face mask can temporarily disrupt decision-making in some situations according to University of Queensland research.

6 December 2022
A line of people in suits sitting in chairs holding pieces of paper

People from minority groups who speak with ‘non-standard’ accents face discrimination in job interviews, researchers from The University of Queensland have found.

24 November 2022
Young man sitting in front of computer screen at night. Image: Adobe

Cryptocurrency trading could be linked to problem gambling, anxiety and depression in young men, University of Queensland research has found.

8 November 2022
Portrait photo of UQ Professor Trent Munro wearing a white coat in a laboratory. Supplied.

Precision painkillers that are more accurate and less harmful to the liver are set to be developed by a University of Queensland spin-off company — potentially changing the lives of millions of people.

4 November 2022
An aerial photo of a typical Australian suburb, showing roads, house rooftops, backyards and swimming pools.

Researchers at The University of Queensland have found young adults and baby boomers are bearing the brunt of Queensland’s housing affordability crisis.

18 October 2022
cow with lumpy skin disease symptoms in a green field

Scientists at The University of Queensland are developing a protein-based vaccine to protect Australia’s beef industry from lumpy skin disease (LSD).

7 October 2022
A bearded man in a short and high vis vest sits with his head bowed in a factory.

A University of Queensland study is investigating the issues around employee disclosure of medical conditions in the workplace, with a particular emphasis on military veterans.

29 September 2022
fingers on a keyboard overlaid with padlock icons

A University of Queensland study has identified a need to prioritise cybersecurity training for board directors, to better protect Australian organisations from cyber-attacks.

27 September 2022
Robotic hands in radiochemistry facility

Radiopharmaceuticals are an emerging medical technology that deliver radiation therapy directly to cancer cells while sparing the rest of the body from the harsh effects of cancer treatment.

13 September 2022