A shadow of a little girl holding a parent's hand

University of Queensland research shows child maltreatment cases decreased in socially disadvantaged communities that participated in positive parenting programs.

1 August 2024
Silhouette of two people spear fishing

More culturally responsive diversion programs are needed to prevent the incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, according to University of Queensland research.

25 July 2024
A close up of a woman vaping

Young people are encouraged to participate in a University of Queensland study that will use artificial intelligence technology to develop campaign materials to reduce youth vaping rates.

23 May 2024
A group of people dressed in corporate wear clinking champagne glasses

People from a higher socioeconomic status drink more alcohol on average than those of lower socioeconomic background, according to new UQ research.

17 May 2024
A woman sitting across from a man at a table, the man looks as though he is laughing while the woman is smiling

University of Queensland research has found being funny or having a good sense of humour doesn’t necessarily make you more attractive to potential partners.

18 October 2023
Professor Kevin Thomas showing Minderoo Foundation Chairman and Co-Founder Dr Andrew Forrest,  Minderoo Foundation Co-Chair and Co-Founder Nicola Forrest and UQ Vice Chancellor, Professor Debbie Terry inside the plastics contamination-controlled lab.

In one of the world’s first plastics contamination-controlled laboratories, University of Queensland researchers have begun testing blood and tissue samples to develop ways to detect and measure nanoplastics in the human body.

11 March 2022
A road comes to a T-intersection with signs 'Extreme left' and 'Extreme right - with both roads then going off a cliffthen

Unorthodox leaders who shake up the political system are more likely to be elected if people believe their society is morally divided and breaking down, University of Queensland research has found.

26 November 2021
Insole technology designed by UQ researcher.

A shoe insole using bionic technology to help people with nerve damage maintain their balance has been designed by University of Queensland researchers.

28 October 2021
Young child looking distressed and holding teddy bear.

People who experienced childhood trauma get a more pleasurable ‘high’ from morphine, new research suggests.

25 August 2021
Tiny plastic particles of a range of colours sit atop a fingertip

The Minderoo Foundation has partnered with The University of Queensland to understand if micro and nano plastics and the plastic chemicals which leach out of plastic products are found in the human body.

28 July 2021
Young girls inhaling vape in park.

Unrestricted age limits on TikTok leave children exposed to videos that could reinforce a positive attitude towards vaping and e-cigarette usage, new University of Queensland research has found.

27 July 2021
ATLAS UQ Poche Centre Researchers (L-R): Dr Clare Bradley, Professor James Ward, Dr Kate Lewis and Mr Alan Ho.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will benefit from the expansion of a University of Queensland-led health project aimed at improving clinical care within primary health care services nationally.

6 July 2021
A young girl in close up as a dentist checks her teeth with instruments

Almost 70 per cent of low-income households aren’t claiming up to $1000 in child dental benefits they are eligible for, according to University of Queensland and Telethon Kids Institute research.

25 May 2021
Stock image

Public health campaigns that challenge weight stigma and promote body positivity can boost the health and well-being for people of all body sizes, according to a University of Queensland study.

30 March 2021
Some public schools raise up to $1 million a year – and not just via cake stalls. Getty image.

Anyone who’s slaved over a school sausage sizzle may not be surprised to learn that parents and friends raise an average $752 a year for every state school student in Australia.

12 February 2021

Physical activity can reduce the severity of early menopausal symptoms in women who have had cancer treatment, a University of Queensland study has found.

26 November 2020
Businessman fixing his tie whilst looking at his reflection in a window

The more narcissistic the leader, the higher their interest in leadership theories, according to University of Queensland research.

30 October 2020
Stock image: people holding glasses of alcohol to 'cheers'

An online system to monitor symptoms and cravings will help combat heavy drinking and alcohol use disorders, which affect about a third of Australian men and a quarter of women at some point in their life.

7 September 2020
Image of a woman with hands to her temples with a phone, clock, spilling coffee cup and papers surrounding his head

University of Queensland researchers hope to find out how people deal with stress at work and relax and unwind from the daily grind and whether these coping mechanisms actually improve wellbeing.

6 August 2020
Professor Catherine Lovelock studies 'blue carbon' in soils and coastal wetlands

Two University of Queensland environmental scientists have been named 2020 Australian Laureate Fellows.

9 July 2020