A person in a blue button-down shirt is pulling apart a toasted cheese sandwich, with strings of melted cheese between the two sides.

Next-generation milk, cheese and yoghurt ingredients produced using precision fermentation will be among the first developed by Australia’s Food and Beverage Accelerator (FaBA).

12 October 2023
A white camera-looking object with two antennas sits above fast flowing brown water with bushland in the background.

A tool developed by UQ researchers that measures floodwater depth and velocity will be sold globally after it was licensed to a US-based company.

13 September 2023
Two people wearing lab coats looking down into a round metal furnace

A custom-built furnace that can heat materials to almost 3000 degrees Celsius has been installed at The University of Queensland to build components for Australia’s burgeoning space industry.

8 September 2023
A long train travels on a track with fields and open country either side of it.

UQ researchers have worked with industry to map how Australia could move towards decarbonising its heavy haulage rail network.

2 May 2023