Completing a PhD is no easy feat, but throw in significant health challenges and that makes the academic achievements of one UQ graduate even more remarkable.

19 September 2024

The future of the world’s energy supply is a challenge that excites University of Queensland graduand, Rhianna Cardamone.

11 December 2019
UQ Student Clint Therakam to graduate with a degree in mechanical and aerospace engineering

A passion and curiosity for the earth’s atmosphere and beyond led University of Queensland graduand Clint Therakam to pursue a degree in mechanical and aerospace engineering.

17 July 2019

Life is all about perseverance, discipline and balance for Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology Valedictorian, Khoi Phan.

14 December 2018
Max, with his parents Professor Peter Koopman and Associate Professor Carol Wicking.

Engineering graduate Max Koopman will soon leave the sandstone walls of The University of Queensland for the technological hub of Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California.

16 December 2015