A project based at The University of Queensland is helping women who have survived breast cancer to lose weight and live healthier, longer lives.

26 October 2012
DVD cover of The Magic Glasses, which aims to improve child health in China and the Philippines

Almost $1.5 million in funding has been awarded to researchers at The University of Queensland (UQ) who are working to reduce one of the world’s most common chronic infections.

25 October 2012

New approaches to cancer treatment and improved nickel mining output were the winning ideas from the grand final of UniQuest’s annual Trailblazer competition held at The University of Queensland on September 4.

10 September 2012
World leaders in deep brain stimulation, Professor Peter Silburn, Associate Professor Terry Coyne and his team.

Neurologist Professor Peter Silburn and Neurosurgeon Associate Professor Terry Coyne have performed their 500th deep brain stimulation surgery on a 61-year-old woman with Parkinson’s disease.

13 August 2012

University of Queensland’s Associate Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics, Judy Bauer, has been awarded the prestigious Fellow of Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA) status.

8 June 2012
Dr Tina Skinner, has recently published the results of her work on the links between caffeine consumption and athletic performance

Whether you are an elite athlete trying to gain a competitive edge or a regular bike commuter, consuming caffeine one hour prior to exercise has the potential to improve your performance.

21 March 2012