A form of spinal arthritis is genetically linked to Inflammatory Bowel Disease, researchers at the University of Queensland Diamantina Institute in Brisbane, Australia, have found.

3 December 2010
Associate Professor Greg Monteith and Associate Professor Sarah Roberts-Thomson

Researchers from the Pharmacy Australia Centre of Excellence - home to UQ's School of Pharmacy - have identified a potential new target for breast cancer therapy.

1 October 2010

Newborn babies with low levels of vitamin D have an increased risk of developing schizophrenia later in life, researchers at the Queensland Brain Institute have found.

6 September 2010

Developing a cervical cancer vaccine and watching it start protecting millions of young women worldwide is more than most researchers would hope for in a lifetime.

29 June 2010

A new University of Queensland Centre opening tomorrow will tackle the lack of an agreed set of compliances for all health practitioners with prescribing authority.

22 February 2010