Papilloma virus infections and superbug tuberculosis strains will come under renewed attack, after the federal government today agreed to support two University of Queensland research projects.

18 December 2012

A project based at The University of Queensland is helping women who have survived breast cancer to lose weight and live healthier, longer lives.

26 October 2012
DVD cover of The Magic Glasses, which aims to improve child health in China and the Philippines

Almost $1.5 million in funding has been awarded to researchers at The University of Queensland (UQ) who are working to reduce one of the world’s most common chronic infections.

25 October 2012
Associate Professor Camile Farah of the UQ School of Dentistry.

The University of Queensland School of Dentistry’s Oral Oncology Research Program has secured major grant funding to support new research.

19 June 2012
The Herston Imaging Research Facility is now able to purchase essential imaging machines with funding from the Queensland Government.

A new world-class imaging research facility in Brisbane will provide cutting edge imaging methods to improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, mental disorders and neurological diseases associated with ageing.

19 June 2012