Wilderness: image from Pexels

A group of international conservationists is urging governments across the globe to adopt a new approach to address the impact of economic development on the natural world.

8 November 2019
Wombat skulls seem to be changing to match their diets

Flexible jaws may help wombats better survive in a changing world by adapting to climate change’s effect on vegetation and new diets in conservation sanctuaries.

5 November 2019

The impact of losing intact tropical forests is more devastating on the climate than previously thought, according to University of Queensland-led research.

31 October 2019
Leeanne Enoch with ANFF-Q facility manager Anthony Christian (left) and AIBN Deputy Director and ANFF-Q Director Professor Justin Cooper-White (right)

A facility headquartered at The University of Queensland has received $4.59 million from the Queensland Government to continue its innovative research and industry projects such as needle-free vaccine delivery.

15 August 2019