Completing a PhD is no easy feat, but throw in significant health challenges and that makes the academic achievements of one UQ graduate even more remarkable.

19 September 2024

A PhD candidate working to understand early embryo development has won The University of Queensland’s 2022 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition final.

15 September 2022
Woman's outstretched hand to camera, obscuring her face

An expert panel of University of Queensland researchers is examining the issue of sexual consent and will make recommendations to governments and schools about how to better teach young Australians about sexual violence.

14 September 2021
Ms Ramos won 'best new investigator' at the 2015 Sports Medicine Australia Conference for her findings.

A finding that cardio-respiratory fitness is more important than fat loss for people suffering so-called ‘Syndrome X’ has landed a Queensland researcher a New Investigator Award.

5 November 2015

Is the use of so-called ‘study drugs’ among tertiary students as common as depicted, or is it a subject of exaggeration?

10 July 2015