Melaleuca National Park: credit J Ringma

Researchers have warned a frenzied race to reach total land area conservation protection targets used by policymakers may in fact risk short-changing the underlying goal of conservation.

21 March 2018
Eastern bristlebird

South-East Queensland is in danger of losing one of the last remaining populations of the Eastern bristlebird, one of Australia’s most melodic songbirds, a study has shown.

9 March 2018

Concentrating at work can be hard at the best of times, but imagine how difficult it would be when infected with parasites.

8 March 2018
Hepburn Wind, a 4.1MW two-turbine wind farm cooperative

People locked out of the renewable energy market by cost, knowledge barriers or restrictive housing arrangements, such as renters, could benefit from emerging community energy schemes.

5 March 2018
Professor Kerrie Wilson

Equality, diversity and saving the planet – these are just a few things on the to-do list for University of Queensland Professor Kerrie Wilson, who has been appointed to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Committee.

2 March 2018

Scientists are calling for immediate action to secure the world’s remaining intact forests, with a study finding most are at serious risk of being lost in the near term.

27 February 2018

Queensland data science, user-experience design and power systems experts are working to develop a world-first data platform that will harness information from potentially millions of households.

12 February 2018
Land being cleared for a coal seam gas line. Flickr

Laws intended to protect Queensland’s most-threatened forests are failing, with the most vulnerable forests falling even faster than other forests.

29 January 2018
Researcher Janina Kaluza with the rare mouse

The continued survival of one of Australia’s rarest rodents, the water mouse, could hinge on significantly increasing the size of development buffer zones around their habitats.

25 January 2018
We are just now beginning to understand the potentially irreplaceable services these animals can provide, says researcher Chris O'Bryan

Animal carnivores living in and around human habitation are declining at an unprecedented rate – but they may provide crucial benefits to human societies.

19 January 2018
The UQx Sustainable Energy MicroMasters provides the knowledge and tools to help better understand and bring clean and sustainable energy for all.

The University of Queensland’s UQx Massive Open Online Course program has reached two million enrolments, and is set to continue growing as it expands its MicroMasters offerings.

12 January 2018
Road construction: what is the loss?

No net loss – a buzz phrase in environmental policy – is an approach that aims to neutralise negative environmental impacts from human activities.

12 January 2018
A cat flea. Photo: Stephen Doggett.

Fleas from domestic pets are infesting native wildlife and feral animals in all continents except Antarctica, a new study reveals.

8 January 2018