A male scientist in lab coat and goggles inspects a glass full of red liquid.

A new $60-million Biosustainability Hub at UQ will use synthetic biology to help the world’s biggest businesses transition to net zero.

26 August 2024
a spray of seed pods in front of pots of grassy plants

Researchers from The University of Queensland hope wild millet from outback Australia’s Channel Country could help feed the world as climate change impacts established grain crops.

26 October 2023
Two people stand smiling in front of banners at an awards night, one of them is holding an award.

Associate Professor Carissa Klein, who is working to improve sustainability in the fishing and seafood industries, has been named the 2023 Queensland Young Tall Poppy Scientist of the Year.

19 October 2023
A elephant calf surrounded by two adult elephants

University of Queensland researchers have found African elephants use their acute sense of smell as a form of communication.

3 April 2023
A close-up photo of a hand holding granules of black compost

A new way of using compost could boost global crop production and deliver huge benefits to the planet, according to a study co-led by The University of Queensland.

6 September 2022
A young girl watering plants

COVID-19, rather than the threat of climate change, has spurred Australians to become more sustainable, according to research from The University of Queensland.

18 August 2022
A cross section of a taro.

The tropical root vegetable taro, known as the ‘food of the gods’ in the Pacific, is under threat from rising sea levels but wild Australian plants being cultivated by The University of Queensland may help boost food security in the region.

21 October 2021
A white and brown butterfly

A University of Queensland researcher has spent decades compiling a first-of-its-kind database of the butterfly species of the Torres Strait Islands, boosting biosecurity and conservation measures in the region.

16 October 2021
Image of grain crop growing in a field.

Researchers at The University of Queensland are optimistic the value and versatility of one of the world’s top crops will be improved following the discovery of genes which could increase the grain size of sorghum.

28 September 2021
The water system in Manila was dramatically improved

Until 1997, water supplies in downtown Manila were beset with infrastructure problems such as leaks, widespread unauthorised access and contamination.

11 September 2015