A male scientist in lab coat and goggles inspects a glass full of red liquid.

A new $60-million Biosustainability Hub at UQ will use synthetic biology to help the world’s biggest businesses transition to net zero.

26 August 2024
A photo taken inside an EV showing a driver and passenger in the front seat, the driver is pointing to the vehicle's charging screen.

UQ researchers have outlined 5 key steps needed to speed up Australia’s transition to electric vehicles.

30 May 2024
A woman in a black top and brown hair pulled back smiles broadly at the camera with a brick laneway out of focus in the background.

University of Queensland School of Architecture lecturer Dr Liz Brogden has been awarded a 2022 Churchill Fellowship to further her work pioneering climate action in the profession.

28 November 2022

Research co-led by UQ has found sharing real-time air quality readings in developing countries can reduce air pollution and lead to lower mortality rates.

25 October 2022
A hand holding a Net Zero graphic

If Australia is to achieve a net zero future, we need “out-of-the-box” thinking and a major economic overhaul, according to study involving The University of Queensland.

26 August 2022
The outside of the Andrew N. Liveris building.

An innovative new building at The University of Queensland is more than just smart architecture - it has the potential to unlock ways for Australia to transition to a sustainable, zero-emissions economy.

13 April 2022
A woman holding a metal rod, with a man in suit looking on.

A Brisbane startup company founded on University of Queensland technology to monitor the health of electricity network transformers has been acquired by French multinational Schneider Electric in a multi-million-dollar deal.

5 April 2022
Two trains on railway tracks

The University of Queensland has teamed up with Australia’s largest rail freight operator, Aurizon, on a research project to help reduce the carbon emissions of the company’s locomotive fleet.

6 January 2022

Australia’s renewable energy research capacity has been boosted with the completion of The University of Queensland’s 64 megawatt solar farm at Warwick in the state’s south east.

17 July 2020
The ocean is Melanesia’s lifeblood, sustaining a diverse range of natural assets such as fish stocks, coral reefs and mangroves. Photo: Catlin Seaview Survey

Marine scientists have proposed a prosperity path for Melanesia, in a report that values the region’s ocean assets at more than half a trillion US dollars.

18 October 2016

Issues critical to communities across the world will be discussed at an international symposium in Brisbane from September 22 to 25.

20 September 2016
The 3.275 megawatt array is built on a 10ha former airstrip

Sunshine is being turned into energy and knowledge at The University of Queensland’s Gatton campus, where the state’s largest solar array was switched on today.

27 March 2015
Solar panels - like these at UQ - are being installed globally at a rate of a gigawatt every week, almost as much the total amount installed during the 20th century.

The question of whether the future will be powered by coal and oil or by renewable energy is crucially important, both to the medium-term future of the Australian economy and to the long-term future of the planet. For either to succeed, there is a...

8 January 2015

Australia’s power system needs a combination of a carbon price supported by direct action incentives aimed at businesses if it is to withstand future supply and price shocks.

21 November 2013