Soccer ball in goal

University of Queensland scientists have developed a model that gives soccer players their best chance of kicking a penalty goal.

12 December 2022
A large brown dog lies on its side on a table in a vet examining room, staring at the camera.

University of Queensland researchers are looking to dog owners for data on protecting pet – and human health – from environmental hazards.

11 November 2022
Mother and newborn baby

University of Queensland research has revealed that having more babies reduces a woman’s risk of endometrial cancer.

8 November 2022

The University of Queensland will establish three Centres of Excellence to tackle major global challenges and opportunities.

4 November 2022

University of Queensland researchers have discovered how COVID-19 damages the heart, opening the door to future treatments.

30 September 2022
A person holding a spray bottle standing in front of plants at a plant nursery

An Australian-first study by researchers from The University of Queensland has found 8 per cent of urine samples drawn from the general public contained a common weed killer.

30 September 2022
Rows of maroon and yellow capsule medication in blister packs

University of Queensland researchers say metal compounds could be the answer to the growing problem of drug-resistant fungal infections.

26 September 2022
A machine the size of a shoebox with wiring and software, sitting in a laboratory.

It might not look like much, but this tool could improve the next generation of lasers - and with it, industries from telecommunications to car manufacturing.

12 September 2022
A group of people in white coats look at machinery inside a high-tech laboratory

A new University of Queensland-led training centre is set to become a hub for world-leading research in ‘green’ plastic.

18 August 2022
A man stands at a whiteboard, writing a mathematical equation. He is smiling at the camera.

The newly launched ARC Centre of Excellence for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture is cultivating the next crop of plant science experts.

17 August 2022
A diagram with a brown sauropod showing the how soft tissue allowed large dinosaurs to walk on land

Scientists have cracked an enduring mystery, discovering how sauropod dinosaurs – like Brontosaurus and Diplodocus – supported their gigantic bodies on land.

11 August 2022
A child blowing nose

University of Queensland-led research has found the lining of children’s noses is better at inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infections than adult noses.

4 August 2022
Dozens of small bees flying toward the entrance to their hive.

Scientists at the University of Queensland are buzzing about a new citizen science project investigating some of Australia’s native bee species in our own backyards.

28 June 2022
A woman in a white top reclines on a couch, resting a blue coffee cup on her pregnant stomach

University of Queensland researchers have found enjoying a daily latte or long black causes no increased risk to pregnancy.

14 June 2022
Several worms crawl over a block of polystyrene, some of them munching into it

A species of worm with an appetite for polystyrene could be the key to plastic recycling on a mass scale.

10 June 2022
Man looking at himself in the mirror at a gym

Research from The University of Queensland has found people lifting weights for aesthetic reasons run the risk of developing muscle dysmorphia.

1 June 2022
A koala sleeping in a laundry basket

An AIDS-like virus plaguing Australia’s koala population is leaving them more vulnerable to chlamydia and other threatening health conditions, University of Queensland research has found.

25 May 2022
A koala in a gum tree.

A koala, specially bred as part of a University of Queensland-led conservation project, could turn around the fate of endangered koala colonies along Australia’s east coast.

29 March 2022
A pair of hands in surgical gloves examing a petri dish

The University of Queensland has been selected as one of the first launch institutions in the world to partner with biotechnology company Moderna to research and develop vaccines to tackle the world’s greatest global public health threats.

10 March 2022
A koala sitting in a tree

Federal government has officially listed koalas as ‘endangered’ along Australia's east coast to protect shrinking populations. The University of Queensland has a range of experts available to offer expert comment on this development.

11 February 2022