The University of Queensland has stopped more than 800,000 plastic items from going to landfill in the past eight months through an initiative that targets single-use plastic on campus.

7 August 2019
UQ's commitment to inclusivity and support for the LGBTIQ+ community has been recognised

The University of Queensland’s commitment to inclusivity and support for the LGBTIQ+ community has been recognised with a prestigious Pride in Diversity national award.

3 June 2019
An inspirational example of the fruits of peace in Colombia.

Former Colombian guerrillas who are in the process of reintegration into society as whitewater rafting guides will appear at two free events held at The University of Queensland this week.

20 May 2019

Australian and Queensland athletes will contest the 35th edition of The University of Queensland’s Great Court Race on Wednesday 22 May.

15 May 2019