Colourful coral on the ocean floor, surrounded by small fish and blue water in the background.

UQ-led research has shown there is more coral reef area across the globe than previously thought, with detailed satellite mapping helping to conserve these vital ecosystems.

14 February 2024
AQC researchers working on maths equations on glass wall with gold plated fridge in foreground. Image UQ

Researchers at Queensland’s first quantum technology startup, based at UQ, are developing microscopic superconducting hardware critical to scaling up future quantum computer technology.

30 October 2023
Rows of lettuces growing inside a glass house. Image, UQ

Feeding the world’s spiralling population amidst the ravages of climate change will be the focus of a major agriculture conference which gets underway in Brisbane today.

31 October 2022
Picture of planet with red aura

Scientists have revealed that climate change has already impacted all of Earth’s ‘life zones’ and the effects are set to triple under business-as-usual emissions growth.

16 November 2021
Head shot of Dr Dan Watterson with his arms folded across his chest, and the lab behind

The University of Queensland’s Associate Professor Dan Watterson has been awarded a $1.25 million CSL Centenary Fellowship to research accelerated pandemic treatments.

28 October 2021
Ailinginae Atoll - Ailinginae Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Photo credit: Greg Asner

All of the world’s shallow coral reefs have been digitally mapped, thanks to a three-year project combining two million satellite images, enormous amounts of field data and University of Queensland-developed mapping techniques.

9 September 2021

The Australian Research Council (ARC) has awarded seven Future Fellowships to University of Queensland researchers.

12 August 2021
A femaile scientists pipettes from a vial of vaccine

University of Queensland scientists have published the clinical trial data confirming their molecular clamp-stabilised vaccine technology was safe and potentially effective.

20 April 2021
Image depicts the 1G5.3 antibody (green) bound to both Zika (red) and dengue (blue) NS1 proteins. It's based on structural data but idealised to showing binding to both viral proteins simultaneously. Credit: Daniel Watterson

New treatments to cut the global death rate from dengue, Zika and West Nile viruses could result from research led by The University of Queensland.

8 January 2021
Professor Trent Munro, Professor Paul Young and Assistant Professor Keith Chappell stand in the clinic with the first participants of the Phase I clinical trial of the UQ COVID-19 vaccine.

Global biotech company CSL Limited will supply the Australian Government with 51 million doses of The University of Queensland’s COVID-19 vaccine candidate if it proves successful, under a heads of agreement announced today.

7 September 2020

Scientists recently confirmed the Great Barrier Reef suffered another serious bleaching event last summer - the third in five years. Dramatic intervention to save the natural wonder is clearly needed.

24 April 2020

A koala virus could help researchers explain millions of years of accumulated ‘junk’ DNA in the human genome.

8 August 2018
The Nanopatch targets cells in the skin’s outer layers

Efforts to rid the world of polio have taken another significant step, thanks to research led by University of Queensland bioscience experts and funding from the World Health Organisation (WHO).

5 October 2017
Pteropus poliocephalus colony: image Justin Welbergen

Minimising the impact of viruses upon the pig industry is a major objective of a $3.83 million grant to international scientific collaborators, including a team from Queensland.

30 August 2017
Woodland in the Cooloola dunes near Rainbow Beach. Image: Lui Weber

UQ scientists are studying plants' microbial communities, with the aim of improving crop and plant yields. A piece of land on Queensland's Sunshine Coast has proved vital to their quest, with its wide range of species in close proximity, in very...

10 August 2017
Back (from left):  Professor Paul Mills; Monica Taylor, Jennifer Gibbons.  Front: Associate Professor Peter Billings, Dr Francesca Bartlett, Belinda Bern, Kate Swanson, Professor Heather Douglas, Associate Professor Tamara Walsh.

The University of Queensland has maintained its position in the Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT), with the 2016 presentation in Canberra this month confirming that UQ has garnered more national teaching awards than any other...

14 December 2016
More than 300 people in Victoria and South Australia suffered food poisoning in salmonella outbreaks this year linked with bagged salads and sprouts.

Friendly bacteria may be introduced to bagged salad leaves to help ward off the possibility of salmonella and listeria outbreaks.

14 November 2016

Scientists at the The University of Queensland and the University of California San Francisco have found a new way to inhibit the growth of the bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB).

5 April 2016
The aedes aegypti mosqutio can spread dengue fever and other diseases.

Clinical trials for a dengue fever treatment could start within a year, following a discovery by University of Queensland scientists.

10 September 2015
The 3.275 megawatt array is built on a 10ha former airstrip

Sunshine is being turned into energy and knowledge at The University of Queensland’s Gatton campus, where the state’s largest solar array was switched on today.

27 March 2015