A wind turbine in a dry field with a power plant emitting steam in the background

All eyes will be on Dubai this week as 70,000 delegates from nearly 200 countries meet at the United Nations backed climate summit, known as COP28. The University of Queensland has a range of researchers available to offer expert analysis.

29 November 2023
An underwater photo of a coral reef showing algal overgrowth.

UQ researchers are developing a web-based management program capable of mapping ocean water pollution almost as it happens.

4 October 2023
An octopus swimming through a coral reef.

The unique brainpower of octopuses – known for their intelligence and Houdini-like escapes – has been revealed by University of Queensland researchers.

22 November 2021
A white and brown butterfly

A University of Queensland researcher has spent decades compiling a first-of-its-kind database of the butterfly species of the Torres Strait Islands, boosting biosecurity and conservation measures in the region.

16 October 2021
Overhead image of trees reaching shoreline of sandy beach.

Increasing reforestation efforts in coastal regions could substantially reduce the amount of sediment run-off reaching coral reefs and improve their resilience, a University of Queensland-led study has found.

16 September 2021
Sea-level rise brings higher stormwater levels, compounding the damage. In deprived areas, this may exacerbate poverty. Image: Pixabay

World leaders need to urgently accelerate efforts to prevent “profound, if not catastrophic” climate change in future, a distinguished group of scientists has warned.

20 September 2019
The research vessel JOIDES Resolution, photo by Arito Sakaguchi, IODP/TAMU. Wikipedia Creative Commons.

Climate change around Antarctica can severely affect Australia’s rainfall and even influence the distribution of wet and dry zones across southeast Asia, an international study has revealed.

11 May 2017

Researchers have distilled 40 years of coastal marine restoration studies into a set of powerful guidelines for anyone hoping to rejuvenate coastal habitats.

9 June 2016
Coral reefs around Heron Island on the Great Barrier Reef

Coral larvae use ocean temperature and the presence of symbiotic algae to determine where they should settle, researchers have found.

15 January 2015
Over the past three years, there’s been increasing concern over the future of the Great Barrier Reef. american_rugbier/Flickr, CC BY-SA

The Australian government has stepped up its campaign this month to prevent the Great Barrier Reef being listed as a World Heritage site “in danger” at international meetings next year.

18 December 2014
Picture of food basket

Global food systems can no longer rely on “business as usual”, according to an internationally renowned economist visiting The University of Queensland this week. ...

18 August 2014
US Secretary of State John Kerry, left, and actor Leonardo DiCaprio joined UQ's Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg at an international conference about oceans.

The University of Queensland’s acclaimed marine biologist Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg has joined US President Barack Obama and actor Leonardo DiCaprio at an international conference on ways to protect the world’s oceans.

19 June 2014
The agreement was signed by UQ President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Peter Høj, and World Bank Director of Operations, Dr Ethel Sennhauser.

The natural wealth of coastlines in the East Asia-Pacific is set to be unlocked for coastal communities, under an agreement between The University of Queensland (UQ) and the World Bank signed in Washington DC today (6 November).

7 November 2013

Life in the world’s oceans faces far greater change and risk of large-scale extinctions than at any previous time in human history, a team of the world’s leading marine scientists has warned.

21 August 2012
“The visual nature of the project will also help bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and public awareness,” Professor Hoegh-Guldberg

A pioneering scientific expedition that will document the health of coral on the Great Barrier Reef will be undertaken as a joint venture between global technology giant Google, the UQ Global Change Institute, not-for-profit organisation Underwater...

23 February 2012
The magnitude of habitat loss/fragmentation effects were greatest in regions 
with high maximum temperatures

In a world first, University of Queensland and CSIRO scientists have measured the relationship between current climate, climate change and habitat loss on plants and animals on a global scale.

5 January 2012

The UQ Solar Array underpins a number of cutting-edge research projects, in diverse fields including physics, engineering, economics and sustainability.

15 July 2011

Australian marine scientists have expressed disquiet over the continued worldwide spread of large, dead zones in the ocean.

24 November 2010

The Global Change Institute small grant recipients for 2010 have been announced and illustrate the breadth and depth of research activities at The University of Queensland.

22 November 2010
Brisbane company RedFlow delivers a prototype zinc-bromine battery-based energy storage system

World-leading research into the application of large-scale electricity storage will begin at The University of Queensland early next year.

21 October 2010