an aerial view of five people sitting at a table with laptops and open books

Two University of Queensland educators have combined their law and social work classes to break down professional stereotypes and better ready their students for working life.

2 November 2022
An initiative to reduce barriers for people with a disability travelling to and from The University of Queensland has been launched

An initiative to reduce barriers for people with a disability travelling to and from The University of Queensland has been launched by Australian Disability Discrimination Commissioner Ben Gauntlett.

4 October 2019
An LNP billboard on the Captain Cook Highway, Cairns. Picture: Margo Kingston, via Twitter.

Driving back to Brisbane from my childhood home of Nambour, I saw the most extraordinary political billboard. In monumental black and white, it simply said: Hung Parliament. Chaos.

2 February 2015
Professor Darren Martin from UQ’s Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology.

Highly-durable extreme-performance plastics and rubbers for use in industries ranging from automotive to construction are now closer to realisation, thanks to a $1 million investment in a Brisbane materials company.

13 May 2014

UQ's performance in the highly competitive Australian Research Council (ARC) funding arena has gone from strength to strength with the announcement of successful Future Fellowships and Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA) yesterday (...

15 November 2011

Beauty is in the eye of beholder, or a few hundred psychologists, as will be the case during an international conference in Bristol, England from June 22 – 23.

4 June 2010