Picture of neighbours talking to each other over the fence.

University of Queensland research has found building a sense of community is key to improving people’s mental health, particularly in low socio-economic suburbs.

21 March 2024
An elderly man and woman looking over a sheet of paper

Women can competently take over financial decision-making when they perceive a decline in their husband’s cognitive ability but the same can’t be said for men, according to University of Queensland research.

10 August 2023
A woman sorting through piles of clothes at a charity shop

University of Queensland research has found a direct link between levels of government income support and people’s need for charitable assistance.

13 July 2023
A woman with long dark hair and a woman with short red hair embrace while sitting on a white sofa.

Normal age-related changes in how we think, perceive and reason may increase the risk of older people viewing themselves through a negative and ageist lens, University of Queensland research suggests.

4 May 2023
Seven members of the Sleep for Strong Souls project team pose for photo. Image, UQ

The University of Queensland and Beyond Blue have partnered to deliver culturally responsive sleep health services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescents in Queensland.

16 March 2023
Three women in brightly coloured shirts smile and laugh. They have their arms around each other.

University of Queensland research has found women who have quality relationships in their 40s and 50s are less likely to develop multiple chronic conditions in older age.

22 February 2023
A close up image of a child's hands holing a large red apple.

Researchers at The University of Queensland have found children in disadvantaged communities often go hungry when they attend early education and childcare centres.

21 October 2022
A fingertip pushes on the Facebook App on a mobile phone screen.

UQ research has found the reporting of minor crimes on community social media pages can make residents feel their neighbourhood is less safe, even when statistics show actual crime is low.

14 September 2022
Order of Australia medals on a purple background

An international leader in audiology and an Indigenous author and poet are among an extensive list of University of Queensland representatives who have been named on the Queen’s Birthday Honours List this year.

13 June 2022
A woman sitting under a tree with a laptop.

Female students who are the first in the family to attend university are much more likely to suffer mental health issues compared to their male counterparts, research has revealed.

16 December 2021
A teenage girl sitting with her head in her hands in a dark bedroom.

Childhood trauma may increase the chance of young people experiencing psychotic symptoms when using cannabis, University of Queensland research has found.

15 December 2021
A road comes to a T-intersection with signs 'Extreme left' and 'Extreme right - with both roads then going off a cliffthen

Unorthodox leaders who shake up the political system are more likely to be elected if people believe their society is morally divided and breaking down, University of Queensland research has found.

26 November 2021

A new Australian collaborative Autism CRC study, led by Mater Research and The University of Queensland, has challenged the growing popular belief that the gut microbiome drives autism.

12 November 2021
Person with head in their hands against red brickwall.

Screening and early interventions to address loneliness, sleep disturbances and alcohol consumption can help to reduce the association between being bullied at school and suicidal behaviours, a new study has found.

10 June 2021
Police car with blue lights in urban setting.

Stay-at-home restrictions implemented around the world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have been associated with an average 37 per cent reduction in crime across the globe, an international study has found.

4 June 2021
The cave in the forest in Kenya with the excavation team working at the mouth

The remains of a child buried almost 80,000 years ago under an overhang at Panga ya Saidi cave in Kenya is providing important new details about the development of complex social behaviours.

6 May 2021
Magnifying glass over social media icons.

The success of Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout will depend on everyone’s willingness to receive it. But experts have warned vaccine misinformation online puts Australia’s communities at risk, and some more than others.

5 May 2021
Tom Aechtner

A leading University of Queensland academic is using his research to improve vaccination rates across the country.

17 December 2020
School girls sit at desk looking at iPad.

COVID-19 has exposed fault lines in the education system for already disadvantaged students who are more likely to be severely impacted by the pandemic.

26 November 2020
By dating the sediment rather than the fossils themselves, the archaeologists could pinpoint the fossils' age.

Ninety years after Dutch geologists excavated human fossils in central Java, scientists finally have pinpointed the fossils' age at around 120,000 years.

19 December 2019