Conservatives are happier than liberals because of their strong ties to a large network of social groups, according to a study from The University of Queensland.

11 February 2013

Stargazers are reminded of tomorrow's once-in-a-lifetime chance to observe a rare astronomical phenomenon — the planet Venus passing across the face of the Sun.

5 June 2012

Jenny Max, a University of Queensland Masters of Communication (Communication for Social Change) student, has received a Prime Minister's Pacific-Australia (PMPA) Award in recognition of her leadership potential and academic achievements.

20 December 2011

UQ's performance in the highly competitive Australian Research Council (ARC) funding arena has gone from strength to strength with the announcement of successful Future Fellowships and Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA) yesterday (...

15 November 2011
Playing football in Ghana

Playing Djembe and football with some Ghanaian friends was an enjoyable part of Charles Hunt's recent research trip to West Africa.

6 December 2010
Sticky Fingers by Karishma Patel, one of last year's winning entries

Following last year’s success, UQ’s School of Political Science and International Studies is delighted to launch the 2010 International Photography Competition.

19 May 2010

University of Queensland research suggests that the presence of a beautiful woman can lead men to throw caution to the wind.

1 March 2010