Artist impression of the outline of a brain

A University of Queensland researcher has found molecular doorways that could be used to help deliver drugs into the brain to treat neurological disorders.

2 May 2024

Four researchers from The University of Queensland have been recognised by the Australian Academy of Science for outstanding contributions in their fields.

14 March 2023

People with higher genetic risk of clinical depression are more likely to have physical symptoms such as chronic pain, fatigue and migraine, University of Queensland researchers have found.

18 October 2021
A young girl digs in the dirt to fill a Soils for Science sample bag.

Queenslanders are being asked to “dig deep” in an Australian-first project, with the next “ground-breaking” medicine potentially hiding in their backyard.

25 March 2021
Gastrointestinal diseases like peptic ulcers affect between five and 10 per cent of people at some time in their lives. Getty.

University of Queensland researchers have confirmed a link between depression and stomach ulcers, in the world’s largest study of genetic factors in peptic ulcer disease.

25 February 2021
A gloved hand holds a petri dish with the CBD molecular structure drawn on the lid.

Synthetic cannabidiol, better known as CBD, has been shown for the first time to kill the bacteria responsible for gonorrhoea, meningitis and legionnaires disease.

20 January 2021
Normal sea squirt muscle cells form a ring shape (left), but after “boss gene” intervention (right), the cells cluster quite differently. Images: Nathan Palpant.

The chain of command inside human cells is similar to the way a factory is run, two University of Queensland researchers say.

14 December 2020
Scale with a blue tape measure on top.

A gene that helps to control inflammation increases the risk of obesity and could be turned off in mice to stop weight gain, a study from The University of Queensland has found.

29 September 2020
Dr Mark Blaskovich, Professor Matt Cooper and Dr Karl Hansford are joining forces with CARB-X (Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria) to develop new antibiotics to fight superbugs.

Antibiotics discovered at The University of Queensland will be fast-tracked under a $A16 million international research deal.

23 June 2020

Environmental conditions influence our body mass index (BMI) by increasing or decreasing the effect of inherited genetic variations, University of Queensland researchers have discovered.

23 August 2019

Improved treatment for type 2 diabetes might result from a new study by University of Queensland researchers.

30 July 2018
Dr Michael Taylor from UQ's School of Biomedical Sciences,

A physicist and a chemist from The University of Queensland will network with Nobel Prize winners at the 67th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting later this month.

8 June 2017

Research from The University of Queensland could lead to a new treatment for Parkinson’s disease, with future potential applications to nearly 50 other disorders.

27 August 2016
Professor David Abramson: "The award is really a tribute to ... the Genomics Virtual Lab team."

The director of The University of Queensland’s Research Computing Centre has been named the iTnews Education Chief Information Officer of the Year.

23 February 2016
Sea slug chromodoris annae. Pic: Deb Aston

Brightly coloured sea slugs are slurping deadly chemicals and stockpiling the most toxic compounds for use on their enemies.

20 January 2016

The University of Queensland has teamed up with the Queensland Department of Health to bring researchers and clinicians together to take action against antibiotic resistance.

13 November 2015
PICTURE:  The number of people with dementia in Australia is projected to triple by 2050.

Six University of Queensland researchers will received a total of almost $3.6 million in federal funding over four years to continue their work on dementia.

19 October 2015

A rare disease discovered at The University of Queensland gave an Australian family a diagnosis for their son’s mystery illness, and is now the subject of a new book, Cracking the Code.

30 March 2015
Professor David Craik with his GSK Award.

Translating nature’s secrets into new drug solutions for pain and cancer has helped a Queensland scientist win an $80,000 research excellence award.

6 November 2014
UQ was awarded a total of 77 health and medical research grants today

Australia’s first Centre of Research Excellence in Chronic Kidney Disease will be established at The University of Queensland with a $2.5 million grant announced today.

17 October 2014